Yearly Archives: 2011

I Survived the PMF Assessments – Part 1

*** The blog below was originally posted on February 22, 2011. *** I am a second year Master of Public Policy candidate at American University in Washington, D.C. I decided to apply for the Presidential Management Fellows this year because it’s a great opportunity to work for the federal government and get 160 hours ofRead… Read more »

One Size Does Not Fit All for Section 508

Within the domain of Section 508 there are many misconceptions. One notable misconception is the thought that if the language works for one solicitation it will work for all. We see many cases where Section 508 language is cut from one solicitation and pasted to another. This approach is like trying to fit a squareRead… Read more »

Florida gov gets earful over proposed cut to drug monitoring system

Over the last few days, Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been a subject for conversation among some of his fellow governors. Following news of Florida’s rejection of $2 billion in federal grants for high-speed rail, governors from Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island and Maryland sent letters asking US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood for those funds.Read… Read more »

The Retirement vs. College Savings Smackdown!

Goal: Find a smart strategy for retirement and college savings. 4 Steps to Saving Responsibly: 1. Save 3-6 months of debt payments and other critical expenses. 2. Accelerate payments of high-interest debt so that the total debt you owe is decreasing every month, even if only slightly (meaning you are paying more than the financeRead… Read more »

The Most Difficult Person to Get to Know

Each day we come into contact with many different people. We start with those with whom we live and before too many hours of the day have passed we have crossed paths with friends, co-workers, store clerks, etc. These people may or may not be regular fixtures and regardless of their status in our life—howRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Preapring your agency for big cuts ahead

Last week, President Obama released his proposed budget for 2012 as Congress struggles to reach consensus on funding government operations for the current fiscal year. While the size of the budget for next year and the level of appropriations for the remainder of this year remain unknown, as federal managers you already know the trendRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is Your Teleworking Strategy (Tele)Working?

In case you missed it, last week marked what was known as “Telework Week”- a dedicated effort to increase awareness and popularity of the now federally mandated initiative and the benefits thereof. But how many federal employees are actually taking advantage of teleworking? With the organized event now behind us (Feb. 14-18), Ed O’Keefe inRead… Read more »