Yearly Archives: 2011

Educational Content Authoring Tools

Dr Lachlan Blackhall will present a free seminar on “Educational Content Authoring Tools” 1pm, 23 February 2011, at the Australian National University in Canberra. This is part of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, “Education Innovation Series” (check the CECS Seminars List for others in the series).Educational Content Authoring ToolsDr Lachlan Blackhall (CECS, ANURead… Read more »

Educational Content Authoring Tools

Dr Lachlan Blackhall will present a free seminar on “Educational Content Authoring Tools” 1pm, 23 February 2011, at the Australian National University in Canberra. This is part of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, “Education Innovation Series” (check the CECS Seminars List for others in the series).Educational Content Authoring ToolsDr Lachlan Blackhall (CECS, ANURead… Read more »

Elgin Rocks on with Beet Juice and Social Media

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the great job the city of Elgin did in communicating information about their snow removal operations. Today I noticed Elgin has also set up a channel on YouTube at One of the videos, shown below, is particularly interesting to those of us involved in public works becauseRead… Read more »

Red Lodge Clearinghouse

The Red Lodge Clearinghouse (RLCH) website, at, makes participation in natural resources decision-making easier than ever before. The RLCH website — originally founded in 2001 by renowned fashion designer and philanthropist, the late Liz Claiborne and her husband, Art Ortenberg — has served the needs of individuals and organizations engaged in collaborative natural resourcesRead… Read more »

PDF Accessibility Promotion Endorsed by Australian Government

Adobe are running a series of education sessions on “PDF Accessibility Education Sessions for the Australian Government” in March 2011. These are to help Australian Public Servants with PDF authoring skills, after an AGIMO/Vision Australia study which was critical of the accessibility of Portable Document Format documents for people with a disability.In my view theRead… Read more »

Myth Busters Campaign in Full Swing to Improve Public/Private Sector Communications

As part of an effort to reform the federal acquisition process for technology, US Federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, unveiled an ambitious 25-point plan for addressing many of the issues that plague the way the government purchases technology in hopes of delivering more value to the taxpayer. Part of the implementation plan was to counter theRead… Read more »

You’ve come a long way…

By Dave Worsell, Director, Government Solutions, GovDelivery UKThanks for reading this blog post. To be honest, I’m surprised you found it at all. Sure, I’ve got a few people I can always rely on. I know some of you have this page bookmarked, others found it via Google. I suspect most of you saw aRead… Read more »