Yearly Archives: 2011

Hit me baby one more time

Web analytics are so much more than just “hits”, and so important for government. Web analytics involves collecting and analyzing website usage data for a particular website. By looking at data on what users do on the site, web administrators can enhance the effectiveness of information available to citizens. Why care about web analytics inRead… Read more »

Social media cheat sheet

No one wants to be the last to know. When a city government begins to use social media to connect with citizens, it’s important to inform employees what you’re doing. Problem is, some employees haven’t gotten on the social media bandwagon yet, and aren’t sure what you’re talking about when you say “the city isRead… Read more »

FTC sends refund claims to auto warranty fraud victims

Nearly 12,000 Americans defrauded by an auto “extended warranty” robocall scheme are eligible for refunds. The Federal Trade Commission mailed out claim forms this week to consumers swindled by calls made by Voice Touch, Inc., on behalf of Transcontinental Warranty, Inc. Original post

Landing Helicopter Dock Skip HMAS Canberra Lanuched

The hull of Landing Helicopter Dock Skip HMAS Canberra (LDH 01) has been launched in Spain, reportedly christened with a bottle of sparkling Canberra region wine. Photos from the launch show the ship’s two most prominent features: the ski-jump on the bow, and the stern dock door for landing craft. The ship will be transportedRead… Read more »

Women Bringing the “Human Element” to the Hill: (D) Speier’s Bold Move!

It is about time that a politician GETS REAL! And low and behold it was a woman that championed the “human element” on the Hill last night. As painful as it may have been, California Democrat Jackie Speier, showed the utmost courage and passion when she shared her PERSONAL STORY! “Before she took the floor,Read… Read more »


I love the word, but that’s beside the point. An old ex boyfriend found me today on Twitter. No dramas, we parted company reasonably amicably and time passes and turns reasonably into water passing under bridges. We swapped details, little has changed, he’s doing very well for himself as a PM at Channel 4 andRead… Read more »

Keeping Focus on Mission IT at ODNI CIO

I’ve previously written about some of the challenges of IT support in the national security space. Leaders have to balance competing mandates of mission support and security and have to do that in an environment constrained by resource limits and slowed by layers of oversight. One of the most challenging positions in the national securityRead… Read more »

Weekly Links Roundup 2.14.11

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 5 Fictions About Social Media for Public Health and Healthcare: Craig LeFebvre (@chiefmaven) points out some misconceptions about the role of social media in public health and why we should beRead… Read more »

How my Grandpa Stories Began

Meyer Moldeven (Greatgrandpa Mike) Here’s a true ‘grandpa’ anecdote that I wrote for my peers and added to my self-published collection several decades ago. It was well-received at the time and might still be considered appropriate among the elders that ‘are’ and ‘to be.’ During an exchange of reminiscences at a senior citizens group aRead… Read more »