Yearly Archives: 2011

Research Positions Open at Kettering Foundation

We’re glad to pass on this request from the Kettering Foundation: “The Charles F. Kettering Foundation offers one-year research positions at our Dayton, Ohio offices to doctoral candidates and recent Ph.D.’s. Research Associates receive excellent full-time compensation and benefits including medical insurance. As an operating research foundation, Kettering explores practical ways that democracy can beRead… Read more »

Data Innovation: Insight into the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon

What exactly is a “code-a-thon” you ask? Well, I’m not computer science wiz but according to the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon DC website: …bringing together developers, designers and raw data sets to build exciting new applications and tools for improved health care. Developers, designers and other stakeholders are given an overview of health care issues, toolsRead… Read more »

Automatic app looks to improve Boston streets

Last week, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announced a prototype mobile application that can detect potholes automatically, without having to manually report it to the city or pullover to take a picture of the roadside crater. Dubbed, Street Bump, the app is part of a crowdsourcing effort that will launch later this spring to an internationalRead… Read more »

What’s Your 6-Word Career Story?

The GovLoop community is clearly way ahead of the curve when it comes to the power of answering a hefty question in 7 words or less. This exercise forces you to crystallize only the essentials. For example: Well, apparently others have taken note, like this Valentine’s day-theme post by the WSJ: Here are some ofRead… Read more »

The DOD Responds to President Obama’s Budget Proposal

Remarks from the Secretary of Defense Secretary of Defense Robert Gates conducted a briefing today to discuss President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget proposal to Congress. Secretary Gates prefaced his remarks by highlighting two major concerns: the strain on the Department of Defense of operating under a continuing resolution for five months; and the JointRead… Read more »

New Media, Old Accessibility?

Web 2.0 technologies (a.k.a. new media) provide opportunities for agencies to disseminate and collect information in new and exciting ways. Wikis, blogs and social networking sites are all examples of connecting people electronically. Agencies are already working on policies, regulations and guidance on the use of Web 2.0 media. But what about existing regulations –Read… Read more »

World Wide Views on Global Warming

Led by the Danish Board of Technology, World Wide Views on Global Warming (2009) is considered the first in-depth global citizen consultancy on climate change. WWViews established a model for the future inclusion of the world’s citizens in global policymaking. The novel and practical project design made it potentially possible for all nations on theRead… Read more »