Yearly Archives: 2011

February 11 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Innovation in Government (02/03/2011) – Report provides a framework government leaders can use to create a climate of innovation in their organization. Tips for fostering innovation include: establishing a lab for testing new ideas; organizing a task force to identify barriers to innovation; rotating employees in the agency to spread ideas; training employees onRead… Read more »

What are the risks of starting an internal community without thinking through effective community management? [Quora]

The question on Quora is expanded to ask: When launching an internal community platform, it’s often quite tempting to get lost in the technology implementation. Now it’s definitely quite important to provide an attractive first release of collabware, but what role does community management play in making the roll out effective? Or is community managementRead… Read more »

Give A Minute Chicago Follow-Up

When Give a Minute launched in Chicago back in November, I asked what impact participants would have. This recent article in Fast Company’s Co.Design seems to confirm my doubts: Looking for Bold Ideas to Fix the City, New York Turns to Crowd Sourcing In Chicago, the project, which ran from the end of November throughRead… Read more »

The Only 3 Things You Need to Understand the President’s 2012 Budget

So the President unveiled his budget today…and there are a dozen documents that you could review. For folks not accustomed to looking at the budget, here are three quick places to find the top line nuggets: Great Video from the White House Explaining the Overall Approach 2012 Federal Budget Summary Tables * TIP: Skip toRead… Read more »

White House recognizes Grammy winner on Twitter, links to performance on YouTube

Esperanza Spalding won a Grammy for Best New Artist tonight. She’s an extraordinary talent. Moments after her win, White House new media director Macon Phillips congratulated her on Twitter and linked to a video of her performance at the White House Poetry Jam on YouTube: ] Shortly after that, the White House account shared theRead… Read more »

Success Rule #7 – Know You’re Being Judged

Everything about you is telling a story; the way you dress, the way you act, the car you drive . . . the vacations you take. This rule is about making sure that the judgments of you are positive and enhance your career. You can’t stop others from judging you, but you can take stepsRead… Read more »