Yearly Archives: 2011

GAO and Success: Acquisition Workforce the Common Factor

With the collapse of the Congressional “supercommittee’s” budget deal on deficit reduction, federal managers, and their industry counterparts, are being told to prepare for the worst , as possible mandatory cuts are on the horizon for 2013. In the mean time, federal managers will need to continue to find ways to save money and doRead… Read more »

Flipping Education For Better

Yesterday at Cory Doctorow’s presentation, Bill Van Dyke told me about how the Khan Academy is changing education for the better. Rather than using class time for lectures, students watch ten minute videos and do computerized exercises on their own time. When they get ten answers in a row, they move up a level. TheRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Tip: Answer All PMP Exam Questions From The PMBOK Perspective

The PMP certification examination is a computer-based exam that is offered at testing centers worldwide. The exam is based on much of the information contained in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). The questions in the PMP Exam are based on the following process groups from the PMBOK Guide: Initiating,Read… Read more »

Just Say “Yes”

There is a critical strategy when reaching out to new people. Are you implementing it? If you are trying to reach out to new people and grow your professional network and failing to get responses, read on. Why Is This Concept Important? This is the difference between being blown off and actually starting to interactRead… Read more »

The Canadian Government’s New Web 2.0 Guidelines: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Yesterday, the government of Canada released its new Guidelines for external use of Web 2.0. For the 99.99% of you unfamiliar with what this is, it’s the guidelines (rules) that govern how, and when, public servants may use web 2.0 tools such as twitter and facebook. You, of course, likely work in organization that survivesRead… Read more »

Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 in the Government of Canada

After years of hearing ”it’ll be released next week” promises, I finally got to witness the official announcement this morning from Minister Tony Clement: The Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0 is now public. Here is an excerpt from Tony’s speech: “Web 2.0 tools provide additional means of interactive communications betweenRead… Read more »

Shared Services Canada – White paper update

Here is the next iteration of our white paper Shared Services Canada that is accompanying the webinar of the same name. Download Shared Services Canada – White paper This version of the paper introduces content from our partner Ni2, a Montreal-based IT firm specializing in best practices for Cloud Migration Management. N(i)2 Cloud Migration ManagementRead… Read more »

Highlights of Annual Meeting of Nat’l Academy of Public Administration

The National Academy of Public Administration gathers once a year to discuss some of the biggest management challenges facing our country. The speakers are always terrific and insightful. And I always learn something I never knew. This year was no different. The panel and speakers that really intrigued me focused on a topic I normallyRead… Read more »