Yearly Archives: 2011

Customer Dissatisfaction

If you ran a business and only 65 percent of your customers were satisfied, do you think you’d stay in business very long? That’s what a recent survey found from customers of many federal agencies, and their customers aren’t happy! In response, Cong. Henry Cuellar re-introduces his customer service enhancement bill. The annual federal customerRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization”

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization” It has been said that an army travels on its’ stomach but modern organizations travel on a highway of crisp dollar bills. How those dollars are apportioned and spent determines much of the effectiveness of the organization. Without regard to whether the organization isRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Powers P&G Factory

Environmental Leader tipped us off to the recent wind turbine installation at a Proctor & Gamble plant in The Netherlands. The turbine will supply 17% of the factory’s energy needs, according to the video. P&G says their ultimate goal is to power their facilities with 100% renewable power, and this is certainly a compelling wayRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Be A Saint to the Environment this St. Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is big business…and it has a big impact on our environment. They say that 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold each year, and the holiday takes the #1 spot for fresh flower purchases, with around a billion valentines sent out each year. Those billion cards, if you were to lay themRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part II: The Scope Statement

Welcome to part two of the five- part series on how to best use the Small Project Management Guide. Here is Andy’s question to kick off the discussion: One of my favorite phrases in project management is “Scope Creep.” It sounds cool, but it’s not. It’s awful. Got examples? A simple definition of project scopeRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Job Interview Preparation

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist. Recruiters and hiring managers regularly trade stories about interviewees who are totally clueless — not the impression you want to make. But a little preparation can ensure successful interviewing! Step 1. Review all the information you already have about the opportunity and the organization. * What elseRead… Read more »

Learning Capital: an integrated tertiary education system for the ACT

The report “Learning Capital: an integrated tertiary education system for the ACT” from the ACT Tertiary Education Taskforce has been released by the ACT Government Department of Education and Training. The report recommends an integrated education system for Canberra. Unfortunately the impact and credibility of the report is undermined by the way it has beenRead… Read more »

Calgary Budget Consultation: 13 Design Principles

On Friday, the City of Calgary launched a large-scale citizen engagement project: Our City. Our Budget. Our Future. In February 2011, Council approved the engagement process for the facilitated review of core services and The City’s business planning and budget process. It is an extensive engagement process that will facilitate conversations with citizens, employees andRead… Read more »