Yearly Archives: 2011

Sartor et al. on Approaches to Legal Ontologies: Theories, Domains, Methodologies

Approaches to Legal Ontologies: Theories, Domains, Methodologies (Springer 2011), a collection of scholarly articles on legal ontologies, has been published. The volume is edited by Professor Dr. Giovanni Sartor of Università di Bologna CIRSFID, Professor Dr. Pompeu Casanovas of the Institute of Law & Technology (IDT) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Maria AngelaRead… Read more »

Create Your Own Video Portal to Connect with Citizens, Broward County Did

If your agency wants to strengthen it’s connection with the community, check-out what Broward County did with their public access programs. They created a branded page on their website to empower citizens with a one-stop-shop to government meetings, events, and safety tips. My company, Granicus, worked with them on this initaitive. They leveraged our videoRead… Read more »

Why Doesn’t Your Business Have an App Yet?

My Crossfit gym posts the workout of the day every night but I have to open a browser and visit the website to see it. Why is there no app for that? There can be. My school email does not have settings that I can program into my phone’s mail accounts. Why is there noRead… Read more »

Australian Climate Commission

Greg Combet, Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency announced a Australian Climate Commission on 10 February 2011. The Chief Commissioner is Professor Tim Flannery. The Commission will be supported by a secretariat from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, but so far the commission does not have its own web site.Other membersRead… Read more »

Simplifying the Myki ticket system

Media reports indicate that the new Victorian government is considering scrapping or modifying the Myki transport ticket system. The contact-less smart card system has had problems with capacity.MyKi was modified so that most tram commuter do not need to “touch off” the card at the end of their journey. It is likely this change wouldRead… Read more »

Broadening Public Discussion

Today I attended a meeting at the Moot Court at the Australian National University in Canberra from 12:30pm to 4pm. Fourteen people from academia, government and industry were discussing the creation of the “Australia Forum”, a project for enabling public policy discussion. I attended for the School of Computer Science at ANU which researches theRead… Read more »

Diversity – learn more at Federal Senior Management Conference, 4/10-4/13

Laura Liswood – Monday, April 11, 2011 – Lunch KeynoteSecretary General of the Council and co-founder of the Council of Women World Leaders and author of The Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity. Global Leadership and Diversity: Crossing the Lines to AchievementLaura Liswood is co-founder of the Council of Women World Leaders, a global organization comprisedRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup: Week of February 11, 2011

The General Services Administration unveils a sustainability tool, Seattle government makes interacting with the city easier with a single login, Jeff Pon gives tips on addressing the boss’s concerns about telework, and FEMA uses Twitter to talk and to listen, all in this week’s version of the Gov 2.0 Roundup. –Earlier this week, the GeneralRead… Read more »

You’ve come a long way baby

Yeah, so it’s a me post. Sorry. Something @willperrin said to me today after this afternoons #lgovsm session has really really hit a sore spot. So, naturally, I’m here to share the sore spot. Because I’m that kind of girl. But also because…he had a point. And it’s always the comments which are true whichRead… Read more »