Yearly Archives: 2011

March 1, 2011 – Last Chance to Be a 2012 Code for America City

March 1, 2011 is the last chance for local governments to apply for the 2012 Code for America City Program. The competitive program enables forward-thinking cities to solve a critical civic problem with technology and become leaders in the open government movement. Three to five cities selected to participate will partner with talent from theRead… Read more »

Alexandria, VA merges online and offline citizen engagement with ACTion

This week, Alexandria, Virginia launched a new twist on challenge based citizen engagement with ACTion Alexandria. ACTion Alexandria is an online citizen engagement initiative, that on the surface looks similar to other online idea platforms such as UserVoice or IdeaScale. However, unlike these off-the-shelf solutions, ACTion Alexandria leveraged its history as an offline organizing groupRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 11, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Saba alcher! صباح الخير! Good morning! The State Department is now tweeting in Arabic Land-based Broadband Is 2000-and-Late. President Obama wants 98 percent of the country to have wireless access to the internet by 2016. Trillion-with-a-T? Sounds Fishy to Me. This infographic claims that Americans receive 200 Trillion text messages a day. ToRead… Read more »

Tech@State Blog: Open Source

Hey guys I’ll be typing my thought on my experience at Tech@State: Open Source here all day… got a great list of speakers so check back with me… 8:45: We are just kicking off right now! 9:00: First panel up: it’s Aneesh Chopra, Macon Phillips and Todd Parks… all massive gov’t ballers. They are talkingRead… Read more »

The Growing Importance of Online Awareness Networks

After writing from From Briefing Notes to Govblogging, I got an email from Richard Akerman that contained the following nugget (internal link, contents reproduced with permission): “Another [worldview] is that every employee needs to construct and maintain an “awareness network” to monitor the rapidly-changing environment. Individualised, curated streams of google alerts, RSS feeds, news apps,Read… Read more »

Broadening Public Discussion

Today I attended a meeting at the Moot Court at the Australian National University in Canberra from 12:30pm to 4pm. Fourteen people from academia, government and industry were discussing the creation of the “Australia Forum”, a project for enabling public policy discussion. I attended for the School of Computer Science at ANU which researches theRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: Workshop on Applying Human Language Technology to the Law

A call for papers — with submission deadline of 31 March 2011 — has been issued for AHLTL 2011: Applying Human Language Technology to the Law, a workshop to be held 10 June 2011, at ICAIL 2011: The Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. [If the call for papersRead… Read more »

Is Web 2.0 Always the Way to Go?

Just because government is further behind the private sector when it comes to jumping on the Web 2.0 train doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of chatter about getting on board. I’ve heard things like “We need an app where citizens can take pictures of potholes or graffiti with their camera phone, geotag the location,Read… Read more »