Yearly Archives: 2011

Top Ten Gotchas of Cloud Computing in Government

As part of my Grumpy Old Man series, today I’m taking a look at the challenges that lie ahead of todays most widely hyped technology — cloud computing. Before government agencies can realize the benefits of cloud computing, a number of challenges must be overcome. Government information technology must conform to rules and regulations thatRead… Read more »

With Regards To Financing A Company, Think Vanilla

When it comes to sales and marketing initiatives the name of the game is to stand out. Typically the goal is to be unique and different from the crowd of competitors. But with finance the opposite is true. It does not pay to do things like carve your own path if you expect to getRead… Read more »

The Opportunity to Ask is Now: Cloud and Cybersecurity

As part of the Virtual Executive Roundtable series that we started at, we have put together two outstanding panels of experts – one to cover the government’s cloud initiatives (February 16) and another to address the new programs and efforts to enhance cybersecurity (March 9). But going beyond forming a panel of leading cloudRead… Read more »

E-waste management solution: The break-apart laptop

GreenerDesign recently published an article that could provide some insight into how manufacturers and consumers will help divert e-waste from landfills in the future. Students at Stanford and Aalto University in Finland are currently developing a laptop that owners can easily disassemble at the end of it’s useful life. Pieces can then be put inRead… Read more »

This Valentine’s Day, love your heart. Quit smoking.

CDC uses the heartfelt holiday, as well as the fact that February is American Heart Month, to drive home the importance of smoking cessation to cardiovascular health. CDC is also promoting an animated Valentine’s Day e-card that friends and family of smokers can send to encourage them to quit. A graphical button with the sameRead… Read more »

Engaging students with discussion forums

Today I attended “Engaging students with discussion forums”, the second in a series of Education Innovation Workshops being run during February 2011, by the Educational Development Group, College of Engineering & Computer Science at the Australian National University. These are short, sharp hands-on sessions intended for those developing courses with ANU’s “Wattle” (Moodle based) LearningRead… Read more »

Iowa gov appoints transparency chief

Earlier this week, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad named Bill Monroe, one of the state’s prominent newsmen, as his administration’s special advisor for government transparency. In that capacity, Mr. Monroe will help craft and implement Iowa’s transparency agenda, the governor said. “I have taken steps to assure that my administration will be transparent,” Gov. Branstad saidRead… Read more »