Yearly Archives: 2011

Training Resource to Hurdle the Tech Expertise Challenge

Agencies Mobile Gov efforts need the right technical expertise to build useful products for the public. Makes sense that agencies might think about training to build some in-house tech expertise. [ht to Sam Bronson] Stanford University–you know that school/high tech incubator on the West Coast–has rolled out a free version of it’s web app developmentRead… Read more »

Security Development Lifecycle Webinar with Michael Howard

On Friday, December 16th, 2011, will host a webinar featuring one of the great champions of secure code, Mr. Michael Howard. For more information and to register for this event see: More on the webinar: is pleased to announce a special opportunity to interact with Mr. Michael Howard, author of the SecurityRead… Read more »

West Kentucky and Tennessee move forward on largest wireline expansion

West Kentucky and Tennessee are moving forward on state broadband projects. The West Kentucky and Tennessee Telecommunications Cooperative (WK&T) is deploying FieldSmart, a platform for fiber management offered by Clearfield, Inc. Clearfield was chosen as part of a broader broadband expansion project funded through federal stimulus dollars to improve rural broadband access in both states.Read… Read more »

Explore City Art 3 Ways: On Foursquare, Twitter & Mobile Sites

Above, see the team Google+ Hangout photo shoot. The two hip dudes holding the heart? That’s Michael Ellsworth and Corey Gutch, the dynamic design team duo from the Seattle creative agency Dumb Eyes who also help to run Seattle’s monthly art walks. The refined, bearded gentleman? That’s Matt Blair, the culture-loving smartphone developer from PortlandRead… Read more »

NPS National Mall – iPhone App Review

Read my review of the National Park Service – National Mall iPhone app. #Gov20 #opengov #MobileGov Summary: The National Park Service launched their official mobile (iPhone iOS) app in August 2011. It is available free from the Apple iTunes App Store as a 13.9 MB download. I’m reviewing the latest, 1.0.2 version which isRead… Read more »

The Facebook Phenomenon

Part three in our David Kirkpatrick video series! Did you catch our first and second videos? David Kirkpatrick sits down with GovDelivery to discuss the Facebook Phenomenon and why Facebook now dominates social networking. He also shares his thoughts on how government can leverage the power of Facebook to help improve citizen satisfaction. Watch theRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Getting Federal Employees and Managers on the Same Page

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), listed No. 1 in this year’s Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings, had been rated 25th out of 30 large agencies six years ago. After initiating a set of management reforms geared toward improving employee culture and morale, the FDIC has seen their scores skyrocket –Read… Read more »

CityCamp Raleigh November 28 meetup

CityCamp Raleigh will host a meetup on November 28, 2011, 7:00 pm at Draft on Glenwood Avenue. (510 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC). We invite all CityCampers and anyone interested in changing the way the web, applications, technology, and participation will shape the future of Raleigh. This includes citizens, developers, techies, govies, and more—really, as longRead… Read more »