Yearly Archives: 2011

Velicogna et al. on e-Justice in France: The e-Barreau Experience

Marco Velicogna of IRSIG‐CNR, and Antoine Errera and Stéphane Derlange, both of Tribunal administratif de Paris, have published e-Justice in France: The e-Barreau Experience, Utrecht Law Review, 7(1), 163-187 (2011). Here is the abstract: Recent field research projects in the justice sector have shown how the development of e-justice entails much more than developing, installingRead… Read more »

What are your Top Business Problems?

Hello GovLoop Community and welcome to my new blog. (cross posted from the AIIM Communities blog) Career Update: I am happy to announce that on January 18, 2011 I joined AIIM as the Manager of Systems of Engagement division under Jesse Wilkins, Director of Systems of Engagement. This team is a new business area forRead… Read more »

Republican Governors call for changes to health care reform

21 Republican governors have sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking for changes to the rules for new state-run health care exchanges outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The letter asks Secretary Sebelius to make six changes to the rules or risk the federal government taking fullRead… Read more »

Story Frameworks

The right framework to organize a story can go a long way to improving its value. Dana Blankenhorn buzzed: Notice the new way of newswriting? Inverted pyramids out. Now news stories read like live blogs Feb 4 Dick Davies – And how is “blog writing” different?Feb 5 Dana Blankenhorn – A single blog entry isRead… Read more »

Life outside of work is still work?

So, it’s technically illegal for an employer to discriminate in their hiring practices based on race, creed, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, gender, age, etc. Ever since the employers became savvy to social networking, there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not they can discriminate based on an applicant’s life outside of work. I’mRead… Read more »

SBA to Amend Business Eligibility Rules and NAICS Code Procedures

In a move to prevent large businesses from claiming set-asides meant for small businesses, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is changing a number of its regulations. The changes include: Clarifying the effect of eligibility decisions on procurements Increasing the amount of time the SBA has to issue formal business size determinations and file North AmericanRead… Read more »

Creating Accessible Flash

Do you need to make a Flash video for your website? If you do, it needs to be accessible to people with disabilities. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs recently created a on-line course called, “Creating Accessible Flash” to help you apply Section 508. It is available for free on the VA website.

Green IT – What’s Next?

Greener Computing recently published an article about what to expect from the green IT sector in 2011. Of course specific predictions are difficult, but the graph at right shows you where Greener Computing and Forrester Research think the green IT sector is at the moment. As you can see, if past cycles continue into theRead… Read more »

Using Prizes as Innovation Engines

President Obama said he wanted to spur innovation, in his State of the Union address. Actually, this effort started in earnest last year through the use of prizes and contents as a complement to traditional research and development. As promised in an earlier blog post on this topic, the IBM Center now has a report,Read… Read more »