Yearly Archives: 2011

Azure Open Government

In this blog David Chou provides an excellent synopsis of the core mechanics and fundamental value of Cloud computing. He focuses on Microsoft Azure naturally, and so does this other recent white paper. Business elasticity – As a service In a nutshell these articles describe that the primary business benefits of Cloud computing is thatRead… Read more »

John Boehner’s Tech Innovation Wave Into The Speaker’s Chair

Stan Freck (Park City, UT) – The pace of technological change and adoption is increasing rapidly, and even relatively traditional fields like politics and government are not immune from such evolution. Here, I briefly review how the Internet has impacted modern high-profile political campaigns, and take a special look at how in 2010 Rep. JohnRead… Read more »

New Calif. policy puts department heads on hook for IT purchases

The state of California is trying to build more accountability into their information technology purchases. In a policy letter, circulated by the newly renamed California Technology Agency, department-level directors will have to personally certify IT products and services previously approved at lower levels. According to IT Policy Letter (ITPL) 11-01, Department Directors will have toRead… Read more »

Thought for the day

When did a multi-million pound operation like a Council become reduced to ‘an organisation which provides libraries’? Some damn expensive libraries. And some abandoned other issues. Telling issues. Like youth centres. Like SureStart. Like all the voluntary sector funding gone. Like rural bus routes disappearing. I’m guessing some complaints might start appearing when the ‘10,000Read… Read more »

Paper returns to the National Library Reading Room

Greetings from the Main Reading Room of the National Library of Australia. Building work for the new “Treasures Gallery” and “Temporary Exhibition Gallery” had meant that new serials had been removed from the Main Reading Room to the Newspapers and Microforms Reading Room downstairs. This left the main reading rooms with a few token shelvesRead… Read more »

Digital Democracy Down-under

Chris Quigley, co-founder of Delib UK discussed Gov 2.0 over lunch today at Old Parliament house in Canberra. He outlined campaigns run for the former and current UK governments. One interesting point was that contrary to conventional wisdom, there was less legal liability where the public’s posting to a forum were not moderated before beingRead… Read more »

What Would We Do Without Interns?

I don’t know about you, but GovLoop really appreciates our interns. We try to give them meaningful (vs. menial) projects that enable them to learn something, expand their networks and advance their careers while they’re with us. We even call them Fellows vs. interns as it seems more distinguished…like the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.Read… Read more »

Observations from ASTD #TK11: Learning in 2015

by Damon Regan (ADL). Damon Regan is an Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton supporting the ADL Initiative. He is currently focused on registry and repository technology for managing learning content. Damon is a Ph.D. Candidate in Instructional Technology at the University of Central Florida. He has an MBA from Rollins College and a B.S. inRead… Read more »