Yearly Archives: 2011

Small Business Teaming Pilot Program

Congress’ Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 includes an array of provisions aimed at helping small businesses gain access to capital, compete for government contracting opportunities, expand exporting opportunities and obtain other assistance to help them grow and create jobs. One of those provisions is The Small Business Teaming Pilot Program which provides grants toRead… Read more »

Why does the public service have such a massive aversion to measurement?

Web Analytics Rock Star Avinash Kaushik answers this question: There is no tradition of accountability in almost every country when it comes to public service (there are some exceptions like Singapore). No accountability = very little desire to measure. There has to be fundamental massive change to a bureaucratic, siloed, politicized institution populated by non-relevantRead… Read more »

Are you snowed under?

By Dave Worsell, Director, Government Solutions, GovDelivery UK I’ve been talking about snow a lot lately. It’s a hot topic, so to speak, for many Local Authorities. As one local authority recently explained to me recording and reporting school closures is a big problem. Their process for managing school snow closures is as follows: CouncilRead… Read more »

Facebook & Social Media Tips for Feds

Facebook & Social Media Tips for Feds Good tips from Federal Communicators Network newsletter Sarah Scruggs from GPO attended the L2 Social Graph Clinic. Here are her key take-aways. Figure out what you want your Facebook followers to do. They can do multiple things. View old pictures? Become contractors? Learn about your program? Come workRead… Read more »

Arizona Looks to Pick Up Life-Saving LBS App that Connects Cardiac Arrest Victims, Volunteers

This morning I talked to the medical director for EMS and Trauma in Arizona, a state that’s been very progressive in seeking to reduce cardiac arrest deaths (they did the studies that showed simple compression-only CPR can be more effective than traditional methods). He told me that Arizona will be partnering with the San RamonRead… Read more »

Science and America

Dick’s remarks at the St Charles School Science Fair Awards Ceremony. On behalf of my colleagues today and the Washington Academy of Sciences, I would like to thank you for inviting us to today’s St Charles School Science Fair. Judging new scientists is fun for us older scientists, that’s why my colleagues and I keepRead… Read more »

Oracle VP appointed Colorado CIO

Last week, Governor John Hickenlooper named Kristin Russel to the Secretary of Technology and Chief Information Officer spot. Russel will be joining the administration from Oracle where she currently works as Vice President of Global IT Service Operations at Oracle. Russel has been working in technology operations management for the last 15 years. Russel willRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Possibilites as Shown by Solar Mapping

Solar maps are becoming an increasingly useful – and more widely used – tool for solar system installers, city planners and building managers alike. A quality solar map can help determine payback periods, development locations and system scales. These, and many other reasons, made the environmental engineers at UCSD catch our eye. They’ve developed aRead… Read more »