Yearly Archives: 2011

Broadband for a Broad Land Draft Submission to the Australian Parliament

The Australian Parliament has invited submissions for an Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network by 5 February 2011. Here is the second draft of a submission for the enquiry. In the previous draft I addressed two issues: the environmental costs and benefits of the NBN and the role of electronicRead… Read more »

Deliberative Democracy Workshop: February 3-5, 2011 in Sydney, Australia

In case you haven’t seen, there’s a very interesting event coming up this week. The Deliberative Democracy Workshop “Connecting Research and Practice” will take place February 3-5, 2011 in Sydney, Australia. An invited workshop, it will bring together some of the leading researchers and practitioners in this field from around the world. The expected keyRead… Read more »

GSA Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct

The Multiple Award Schedule program recently completed a contract-wide rollout of contract Solicitation updates, termed by GSA as a “Refresh”, and an important new clause that I recently blogged about has been incorporated into every MAS contract. The new FAR clause is becoming increasingly familiar amongst GSA contractors, though many don’t know that it isRead… Read more »

Egypt: Connected to revolution

This piece is cross-posted from the Opinion Page of the Toronto Star which was kind enough to publish it this morning. Over the weekend something profound happened. The Egyptian government, confronted with growing public unrest, attempted to disconnect itself. It shut down its cellular and telephone networks and unplugged from the Internet. It was aRead… Read more »

NCTC – Pitch & Polish Clinics

Pitch & Polish The NCTC Access to Capital committee hosts monthly Pitch & Polish clinics that help tech-related companies prepare for raising Angel capital. How it works: It’s pretty simple actually. You get 10 minutes to pitch your idea/company. Then a panel of wise folks knowledgeable about early stage investing give you feedback about yourRead… Read more »

Gregory D. Rothwell Acquisition Guru to Speak at February Gov Up!!

You heard that right. Always wanted to know what 34 years in a Federal Acquisition career would be like? Come to the Gov Up February 10, 2011, 6-8 PM, at Public House in National Harbour and find out! A twist on the “Ask the Gov Expert” series. Have questions? Come to the event. Out ofRead… Read more »

Components of an Ideal Local Government Social Media Seminar

Over the MLK holiday weekend, I did some organized thinking on what a good local government social media seminar would entail. I advise few rules in use of social media, but internal processes, guidelines and training are important for improving coordination and value of official efforts. Additionally, there are simple risk management practices that canRead… Read more »