Yearly Archives: 2011

Don’t Just Talk!

“Talk is cheap” and it doesn’t require planning or preparation or understanding. No wonder there is so much of it. Listening is effective for changing someone’s thinking, and is often necessary…but not sufficient. When it’s your turn to lead the conversation, what can you do that gives you a better value for your limited time?Read… Read more »

Top 6 Skills of a Great Web Analyst

Garry Przyklenk writes: “What is one of the biggest problems in online marketing? Bryan Eisenberg puts it best: it’s our critically high demand for skilled people. Why? One of the root causes is the supply and demand of data. As data becomes an exceedingly cheap commodity to online marketing professionals, the sheer supply of dataRead… Read more »

Tech giants, VCs look to help startups with new White House initiative

Intel, IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Facebook are among the technology companies joining a new initiative from President Barack Obama to encourage entrepreneurship. The companies are part of a multi-sector pledge to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to high-growth industries of clean energy, medicine, advanced manufacturing, information technology and other fields. Dubbed the StartUP America Partnership,Read… Read more »

Broadband for a Broad Land Draft Submission to the Australian Parliament

The Australian Parliament has invited submissions for an Inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network by 5 February 2011. Here is the second draft of a submission for the enquiry. In the previous draft I addressed two issues: the environmental costs and benefits of the NBN and the role of electronicRead… Read more »

Life after Salmon: first steps at government reorganization

On Sunday, Tom Shoop of GovExec’s Fedblog reported that President Obama’s Chief Performance Officer, Jeffrey Zients, will lead the government reorganization effort announced during last week’s State of the Union address. I don’t know about you, but I was ecstatic to see Civil Service reform get a high-profile nod during the address. (Full disclosure: IRead… Read more »

At it’s best, the Internet is like Love – It will find a way

Cross-posted at Gov In The Trenches First – if you have not heard about @speak2tweet – stop reading this and go HERE! Right now! I have always been impressed at the internet’s ability to connect people and ideas around the world despite the distance. I’ve been further impressed by Twitter’s role in aiding peacefulRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Video Game Helps Soldiers Deal With Life After War

We don’t send soldiers off to war without proper training and now the Pentagon is looking at ways to prep them for coming home. For years there have been video games showing soldiers how to take down a terrorist, but now there’s an interactive game to help soldiers deal with post traumatic stress. The gameRead… Read more »