Yearly Archives: 2011

Bad Media or Bad Government: What is the Problem with Recruiting and Retaining?

Federal News Radio 1500 AM recently posted an interview with Young Government Leader’s Vice President, Dave Uejio. Dave candidly discussed the challenges of recruiting and retaining the next generation of government employees. I was shocked to see some of the follow-up comments posted on the website. From personal experience, I know that seeking a positionRead… Read more »

Whisper quietly, whisper well (Kindles)

I got a Kindle for Christmas. It’s just about the best Christmas present I’ve ever had. Here’s why. I love pressing buttons. I could end the post right there, but I suppose that might not be terribly fair. Some people might not have one and be wondering if it’s worth getting one (hi Kat) andRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Spurring Innovation in Your Government Agency

As I listened to President Obama’s State of the Union address last week, my ears perked up on a number of fronts, not the least of which was his call for the government to spur American innovation through promising new federal investments in education, biomedical research, information technology and clean energy. Also causing me toRead… Read more »

An Early Win for CfA’s DC Project: SF Addressing System Open-Sourced

We at Code for America are excited to celebrate an early win for open government and our DC project. A multimillion dollar IT project, developed for the the City and County of San Francisco, is now available at no cost to any government that needs it. It’s an important step towards a new model ofRead… Read more »

Stop the Meter – A Campaign against internet metering @

Dear Internet Supporters, Last week the CRTC made a decision that, while disappointing, was nevertheless a small a step in the right direction. It rolled back 15% of the usage fee profits big telecom wanted to extract from indie ISPs. This is a big deal, and it shows that we’re turning the tides on thisRead… Read more »

States set to receive more money for health IT

In an announcement made last week, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology will provide $32 million in funding to accelerate health IT through Regional Extension Centers (RECs). ONC head Dr. David Blumenthal also announced additional money for health information exchanges and community college HIT programs. In a message posted on Dr.Read… Read more »

Social Networking Worldwide – GovLoop talks to Ontario + OpsPedia

Spoke to today to the Province of Ontario via Skype about Govloop. My presentation is below. Some cool notes-Province of Ontario has its own collaboration site – OpsPedia – based on WordPress/BuddyPress. Biggest issue for them is getting resources to succeed (right now it’s a part-time/side project)-Online consultation with citizens – required lots of approval,Read… Read more »

The stone wall of optimism: Local by Social

This is a picture of a largely blank wall in Bristol’s town hall. And it’s an image that strikes me as incredibly forward focused and hugely optimistic. The other two interior walls have the names of the Lord Mayor’s of Bristol engraved in block letters and their dates of service. The dates stretch back overRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Investment in 2010 – Are We Half-Way There?

On January 19, Bloomberg New Energy Finance released a report on the renewable energy investment of 2010. The report contained many encouraging facts: $243 billion in total investment Small-scale project investment up 91% Venture capital investment up 29% from 2009 Solar power saw a 49% increase in investment Wind power saw a 31% increase inRead… Read more »