Yearly Archives: 2011

Osocio Awards 2010: Social Cause Advertising

Leading creative/advertising blog, Osocio, is conducting it’s annual awards event for top socially conscious campaigns of 2010 that were featured on the site. Many of you may remember Pulse + Signal guest author – Marc van Gurp, who posted content for Spread the Word Sundays last year. Here’s an excerpt on why it’s happening: BecauseRead… Read more »

Financial Analysis of al-Qa’ida in Iraq

An Economic Analysis of the Financial Records of al-Qa’ida in Iraq” is a fascinating look at the business side of a militant organisation. Financial records of al-Qa’ida for the Anbar province of Iraq were captured. Some of the insights from this were that the militant organisation had a similar structure to the forces opposing themRead… Read more »

Five Big Questions About Government Social Media In 2011

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) – The Federal government has made a good deal of progress toward being more transparent, collaborative, and participatory during the two years since President Obama took office. However, despite great strides, government practitioners’ use of social media is not very sophisticated, does not take advantage of the latest tactics and tools,Read… Read more »

Wiki support from the top

(cross posted on CG-LIMS Project Blog in Intelink-U) Support from the top of the DHS Procurement organization that is. Today’s post will be a repeat for some of you who heard this at the last staff meeting, but it’s important enough that I want to make sure everyone gets the message. Short version: The newRead… Read more »

Democratic Principles

We’re face-to-face again with our love-hate relationship with democratic principles. While politicians, pundits and everyday citizens love to extol the value of participatory governance in the United States and around the world, our foreign policy has focused on American ‘interests’ rather than democratic principles. It’s not surprising this week that Egyptian President Mubarak’s administration isRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Self-Evident

In principle, the best decisions are made when the answer is self-evident to everyone. When a group of reasonable people have a shared goal and they freely share information about the current situation and options for achieving that goal, they are very likely to come to a shared conclusion about what to do. When theRead… Read more »

How Socially Defined is my Identity?

For the last several months, people have caught me spouting off on Twitter (and elsewhere, like DevLearn’s General Session) that identity — my identity, in particular — is socially defined. Now it’s time for the rubber to meet the road. I’ve created a Wiki page (using Wikispaces, because they make use of OpenID) to beRead… Read more »

25 FAQs For The New Analytics Leader

Kevin Hillstrom writes: A new generation of analytics leaders are about to be crowned. What do they have to look forward to? Let’s find out. Question #1: Will management listen to me? The reality is that some people will listen to you. Your analytics projects are important, and what you learn is important. People willRead… Read more »