Yearly Archives: 2011

Quick thoughts

My worlds are colliding on social networks. On Flickr and on Twitter. In blogs I follow and on my RSS feeds. People I followed for their local government insight are becoming friends. People I care about and love talking to. People that are ‘offline’ friends are increasingly talking to and retweeting words from people IRead… Read more »

Next Recent Changes Camp in New Zealand

Greetings from the last day of of Recent Changes Camp 2011: Canberra at the University of Canberra. The last topic of conversation was were the next event would be and what would be the theme. Suggested was the topic of “research” in New Zealand in mid 2011. One possible area which will be interested isRead… Read more »

Bruce Declaration on Education

Greetings from the last day of of Recent Changes Camp 2011: Canberra at the University of Canberra. Yesterday we discussed “Wikis for Open Education”, including in a podcast. Day three was to be about coming up with proposals “Bruce Declaration on Education”. The idea was to produce a statement of principles on education, which couldRead… Read more »

Tips from Texas Gov 2.0 Camp: Transparency and a Lone Star Legislator

The Texas Gov 2.0 Camp has been happening yesterday and today and I was lucky enough to be on an email string where I learned from Steven Polunsky, Director of the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce for (Texas State) Senator John Carona that they are engaged in some innovative transparency initiatives in the TexasRead… Read more »

What Community Truly Means To Me

Sitting in Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel last week on Martin Luther King Day reminded me why I am so proud to call this area my hometown. A celebration of Dr. King’s legacy — primarily organized by the Community Coalition on Race — the event was about as quintessential Maplewood-South Orange as it gets. The event includedRead… Read more »

Are you a new media player or traditional media wonk?

If you are performing tradition news distribution and out reach are you missing the mark on current media trends and reaching your target audiences for more effective results. Are you reaching your public facing audiences? Is sending out a traditional press release your only distribtution strategy? Read more on some of current trends I copiedRead… Read more »