Yearly Archives: 2011

City of Ottawa 3-1-1 #fail ?

You may have noticed that there is a question mark at the end of my blog post title. That’s because I didn’t want to make it sound like a statement, in case I’m missing something. Here’s what I experienced today and would love some of your feedback on: I was driving north on Bank streetRead… Read more »

Whither a federal Open Government policy

Fellow open government advocate, Craig Thomler, has asked a very important question in his latest post: I wonder, should Australian political parties have explicit policies for Open Government and Government 2.0 with commitments to the use of online media and support for online engagement by public servants? It’s a question I have also asked. InRead… Read more »

Redistricting Tools

Of late, a number of tools are popping up on-line to allow the average constituent redistrict their city/county, etc. While the one for Los Angeles has been available since May (facilitating a crowd-sourced effort), New York has recently made theirs available. The interesting twist on the New York release is that it is based uponRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Government Customer Service Mandate – Are we better off?

Last Thursday (11/17), GovLoop and RightNow hosted a training webinar on “Government Customer Service Mandate – Are we better off?”. During the training we discussed the lessons learned from building agency customer service plans and took a look at the future of government customer service. Below please find key resources related to the training session:Read… Read more »

MPA Research Survey on Public Sector CMS & Social Media

Please consider taking this survey on website content management systems and social media which I am conducting for independent study as part of my MPA culminating experience/thesis research as a second year graduate student at the University of Memphis in the Division of Public and Nonprofit Administration. My research focus is exploring the impact onRead… Read more »