Yearly Archives: 2011

GovInsights: Bitter Partisanship and Better Health Care (Duke’s Peter Ubel)

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Peter Ubel – a physician and behavioral scientist who “explores the quirks in human nature that influence our lives — the mixture of rational and irrational forces that affect our health, our happiness and the way our society functions.” He is also “a Professor of Marketing and Public PolicyRead… Read more »

Green Jobs Lead the Way in California

Many economists predicted that growth in ‘green jobs’ would outpace other types of employment, and help lead the US economy toward recovery. Now, it seems, there is some evidence that this prediction is proving correct. The 2011 Many Shades of Green report, published by Next 10, a nonprofit organization “focused on innovation and the intersectionRead… Read more »

Arizona launches school choice website

Arizona launched a new website focused on school choice in the state. is designed to show all of the school choice options available to parents in their area. The website is a key part of the Governor’s, “Four Cornerstones of Reform Plan,” which she claims will empower parents when they make education choices forRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: First-Hand on Rhode Island Taking OpenGov Lead with Mike Trainor

I was in Rhode Island yesterday talking to the fantastic Governor Chafee’s team about public communications and open government. Governor Chafee was one of the first candidates in the nation to have an open government initiative (which even mentions using GovLoop to connect their employees) and one of the first governors to have a transitionRead… Read more »

If not skunkworks, then maybe creative collaborations?

On my recent two posts on bringing the idea of skunkworks to local government, several people made the extremely reasonable point that I probably wasn’t really talking about skunkworks at all. Steph said in the comments: …it seems to me that we’re at risk of hanging more onto the ‘skunkworks’ peg than it’s fair toRead… Read more »

A real step forward in Information Delivery – the Qwiki

Click on this shortner ( to watch the Qwiki – “Easy Rider” Easy Rider – The Qwiki! If you have not experienced the Qwiki you ought to try one. The Qwiki, as used in this offering, is a full internet information experience and brings you video, audio and referential ties to information found out andRead… Read more »

SXSW 2011: Future15 Session on Government and Technology

It took a couple of attempts (see here, here), but now it looks like web-based public participation will finally get some exposure at SXSW this year. Here’s the announcement: Future15 Lineup for 2011: Shorter is Better At the 2010 SXSW Interactive Festival, we launched a series of short-form panel content called Future15s. These fast-paced sessionsRead… Read more »

ANU Education Innovation Series

A series of free Education Innovation Workshops is being run during February 2011, by the Educational Development Group, College of Engineering & Computer Science at the Australian National University. These are hands-on sessions intended for those developing courses with ANU’s “Wattle” (Moodle based) Learning Management System. Priority will be given to ANU Engineering and ITRead… Read more »