Yearly Archives: 2011

The State of Engagement

Here’s a really nice round-up up the technology and engagement aspect of last night’s #SOTU. From folks over in the UK at Helpful Technology. The State of Engagement… What did you like about last night’s #SOTU technology/engagement/citizen outreach-wise? Favorite

Survey: The Role of the Social Media Office

I am preparing to write a post talking about the evolution of the Social Media Office in government. Some of the questions that are coming up are where does training belong in the agency? Where does innovation belong? Who owns these things? How can we be more successful? In order to help address answer someRead… Read more »

Democracy Communications Network

The “Democracy Communications Network” was a 2007-2009 project centered around an informal group of leaders (listed below) who agreed to periodically write letters to the editor, blog posts, and other media pieces as part of larger, collaborative campaigns that raise awareness of the importance of quality public engagement. Use the “Democracy Communications Network” tag toRead… Read more »

Service in Ernest

Consumer protection’s beloved grandpa is retiring today. For 20 years, Ernest Cassirer has been a staple in the Attorney General’s Consumer Resource Center in Seattle, taking countless calls from curious, concerned and frequently crass consumers. And he’s done it for free. … Original post

Tips for Writing Op-Ed Articles

Here are some great tips that Joe Goldman from AmericaSpeaks sent out to people who were considering writing op-eds/letters to the editor as a part of the Democracy Communications Network… Limit the article to 750 words. Shorter is even better. Unfortunately, newspapers have limited space to offer, and editors generally won’t take the time toRead… Read more »

You’ll Never Look At Terrorism The Same After Tomorrow

Yep! Those Homeland Security Advosry System Alerts are going away after nine years. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano will unveilthe new public warning system tomorrow, January 27, 2011. The old color-coded system will be phased out with the changes implemented by the end of April. CNN reported the new methodology for alerts (called the National TerrorRead… Read more »

Up-sell change as a leader

You know things have to change; “business as usual” is a guarantee to fail. You keep saying to yourself: “It’s insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results.” If you are managing from the middle, at the senior or middle management level, the ability to upsell change is a necessary skill toRead… Read more »

Cyber Security. It’s Up to You.

It seems we hear something on a daily basis about cyber security. But through all the noise are you paying attention? Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and targeted, and the most effective deterrent in your personal cyber security arsenal is you. We attended The Business of Cyber Security Conference yesterday and the experts hadRead… Read more »