Yearly Archives: 2011

6am. No power. No social media and schools open

Today an explosion at the power plant took out power around 6 am. No phones, no lights, no internet, no tv, no tweets (my cell phone does not have internet access). Hearing “explosion at power plant” gave the impression of days, not hours of darkness. One long swath from Elizabeth N.C. through Chesapeake VA wasRead… Read more »


Ingrid Koehler led a really interesting session at the weekend’s GovCamp about blogging in the public sector and how it might be supported and promoted (the session later went on to cover the excellent LGovSM twitter chats that happen on a Friday afternoon, convened by Louise, who also blogs). One great contribution was from DavidRead… Read more »

Data Safeguarding Self-Assessments Due in Less Than Two Days (and snow delays probably won’t cut it as an excuse)

Review teams consisting of counterintelligence, security and information-assurance experts at each of the relevant agencies have until January 28th to submit their self-assessments. A January 3rd Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo poses a number of questions the review teams should answer, including: Assess what your agency has done or plans to do toRead… Read more »

Pickles & perception busting

Thanks to the ever interesting Patrick Butler blog over on the Guardian, I have just been forced to accept an unpalatable truth. Councils are invisible. Or rather, not invisible entirely, but simply emerging from the grey swirling mists with orange lights flashing, Mercedes engine roaring, to collect rubbish from bins, before receding into some mysteriousRead… Read more »

New Jersey goes after business in Illinois

Yesterday, New Jersey launched a print and audio campaign designed to attract business from other states and its first target was the state of Illinois. The campaign, which attacks Illinois 67% increase in income tax rates and 46% increase in corporate tax rates is calling on the business community there to relocate. The ads includeRead… Read more »

NAGW Comments on USDOJ ANPRM re: web accessibility

Notes From NAGWThe National Association of Government Webmasters ( submitted a response to the USDOJ Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making, CRT Docket No. 110, (Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities and Public Accommodations) on January 24, 2011. Representing the interests and concernsRead… Read more »

CB2: Breaking Bread With the Governator

Last night in Winnipeg, Manitoba I had the awesome pleasure of dining at the same table with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Premier Greg Selinger, Minister of Defence Peter MacKay, Mayor of Fargo Dennis Walaker and other exciting guests. My company GovLivewas a sponsor of an Evening With Arnold – the first speaking engagement since he leftRead… Read more »