Yearly Archives: 2011

Are the Federal Building’s Lights Costing You?

I just stumbled on an article that claims that Federal Buildings leave lights on all night long. In some cases monthly electric bills were over 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Is there a good explanation for why the lights are left on? Or is this really a WASTE OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS? If there is a valid reason,Read… Read more »

Top 5: GovLoop Live Chat Rules

Last year we did several live chats on the site and the community really seemed to enjoy them so we’ll be rolling out more and more of them this year. This post is just a quick “Guide to our Chat Protocol.” 1 – Asking Questions: First off, to avoid overwhelming our confusing the featured chatterRead… Read more »

Media Snacking

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we consume media these days and how this transformational shift is affecting us all. First, I should tell you that when it comes to technology trends in communication I tend to be an early adopter…not quite on the cutting edge but close enough. I also tend to beRead… Read more »

#ADLchat Transcript – January

10:31:30 am mrch0mp3rs: Who’s ready for #ADLchat? #ADLchat 10:32:18 am LrnEXP: Rules for #ADLchat: 1. Introduce yourself. Location? Focus? Favorite topics? 10:33:49 am LrnEXP: Rule2. [try to] stay on the #ADLchat topic. A new question will be asked every 15 min (or less). If you can, include Q# in related responses 10:34:18 am mrch0mp3rs: AaronRead… Read more »

Governors plead for cooperation in addressing state, federal deficits

In a letter to Congress yesterday, the National Governors Association (NGA) requested that federal officials follow a handful broad “principles” in reducing the state-federal deficit. The letter comes amid rising concerns from some Congressional leaders that states are in danger of needing bailouts or initiating bankruptcy procedures. According to the NGA, twenty-nine new governors areRead… Read more »

Powerful Brand + Sharing = Explosive Growth

What do you get when you team up a powerful brand and share a great deal? A gigantic explosion, at lightning speed. Such was the case when LivingSocial offered an deal: $20 for $10 – – no strings attached… Outcome? In 24 hours, LivingSocial sold over 1.3 million deals, and nearly shut down theirRead… Read more »

DOI Library Training Session – The National Technical Reports Library: Introduction and New Features

George Franchois, Coordinator of Library Services, U.S. Department of the Interior Library, extends an invitation to an upcoming DOI Library Training Session: “The National Technical Reports Library: Introduction and New Features”. Read on: Hi Everyone – I just wanted to send an e-mail to invite you and your staffs to the Department of the InteriorRead… Read more »

Simple Sabotage – We Wrote the Book

17 January 1944, the Office of Strategic Services in Washington D.C. published a book titled “Simple Sabotage Field Manual.” You can find this book for Kindle on for about $5, or you can download a free version by clicking this link to Warning text on page 1 states: “The contents of this ManualRead… Read more »