Yearly Archives: 2011

New York Considering Mandate Relief

On 1/19/11 New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the launch of a website of his Mandate Relief Design Team. The team has been formed to look into unfunded and underfunded mandates imposed by New York State on school districts and local governments. Mandates are described as legal requirements local districts must provide in programs,Read… Read more »

About a girl

I think it might be about time I did an introduction post. There also need to be some declarations of interest, and some disclaimers as ‘lots of passion and little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ rings in my ears. This is not a blog, in the main, about what I know. This is a blogRead… Read more »

Multi-story prefabricated housing for flood victims

The Queensland Government is providing housing for displaced residents in the declared flood areas. One option in some areas is prefabricated housing. Such housing is normally thought of as being flimsy, low quality single story, temporary disposable buildings. But there are systems for permanent, high quality, multi-story modular building. I suggest the Queensland, Victorian andRead… Read more »

Brazilian Project will use Social Media and e-Voting for popular participation

The i3G institute, locating in the city of Florianópolis – Brazil, which conducts research in e-Government, Artificial Intelligence and Ontology areas, has just approved a public international project, called “The Citizen and the e-Gov in Americas”, organized by the International Development and Research Centre (IDRC) and Inter-american Universitary Organization, both on Canada, with the collaborationRead… Read more »

What Canada’s Realtors could learn from Canada’s Lawyers

Lawyer’s aren’t generally known to be the most technologically forwarding looking group – but here in Canada they have done one thing really, really well. Making radically efficient the transaction costs around sharing critical information regarding their industry. CanLI – the non-profit managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada has the goal “toRead… Read more »

Building Community – Remote and Virtual Programming

Thinking about remote or virtual programming? Ruth Wolfish, Julie Cavender, and Karly Szczepkowski shared tips and insights on remote and virtual presence during the 2011 SLA Leadership Summit session: Building Community – Remote and Virtual Programming. Programming Tips from Ruth Wolfish, SLA Past Chapter Cabinet Chair Pre-program: Keep the program information to the point andRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Smithsonian’s Super Secret Car Stash

Forget Fort Knox. The Smithsonian Institute is arguably America’s greatest treasure trove as it captures and preserves our national story via historical objects and information. As Ed O’Keefe reported last week in the Federal Eye, sometimes the elements of that story surprise you: Smithsonian’s hidden car cache (Video) The video in that links take youRead… Read more »