Yearly Archives: 2011

Excellent Analytics Tips #19: Identify Website Goal Values & Win!

Web Analytics rock star Avinash Kaushik writes: Regular readers of this blog will recognize that I suffer from OOD. Outcomes Obsession Disorder. I am seeing a therapist for it. The way OOD manifests itself is that in every website and web business I work with I am obnoxiously persistent in helping identify the desired outcomesRead… Read more »

107 Trillion email in 2010 – Can we talk?

Its estimated 2010 saw 107,000,000,000,000 or (10.7 x 10^13) email messages sent world wide. Not text messages, nor tweets, nor blogs or web posts. Just email. Source: Now can we talk? Are we becoming a generation of readers or writers? How many emails are read, how many are spam or The ratio of emailsRead… Read more »

Is government cool enough for the next generation of feds?

Can government be cool enough to attract talented young people AND keep them on the job? In a report for Federal News Radio — “The Need for the Next Generation” — I highlight what some agencies are doing to recruit and retain young people. (Special thanks to Mr. GovLoop Steve Ressler for being interviewed forRead… Read more »

New York City launches collaboration community – ‘Simplicity’

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that the city will be launching its own internal collaboration community last week. The community will run on Spigit’s crowdsourcing software and represents the largest city project of its type. The Mayor announced the project as part of his State of the City Address. CivSource spoke with SpigitRead… Read more »

Multi-story prefabricated housing for flood victims

The Queensland Government is providing housing for displaced residents in the declared flood areas. One option in some areas is prefabricated housing. Such housing is normally thought of as being flimsy, low quality single story, temporary disposable buildings. But there are systems for permanent, high quality, multi-story modular building. I suggest the Queensland, Victorian andRead… Read more »

Sensor LED Light Strip Kit

Jaycar Electronics sell a Sensor LED Light Strip Kit. This consists of a 300 mm flexible self adhesive strip with 12 LEDs in it, a PIR detector the strip plugs into and a 240 to 12 volt power supply.The LEDs are rated at 130 lumen and are 2 Watt per strip. With the light spreadRead… Read more »

Gungahlin College and Library an Example of the School of the Future

In “Australian Learning Commons Proposal” I outlined how all Australians could be offered free online publicly accessible education from pre-school to university level. This would be supported through public libraries and schools. The new $72.4 million Gungahlin College in Canberra provides a good example of this approach.The College will accommodate 900 upper secondary students andRead… Read more »

Sensor LED Light Strip Kit

Jaycar Electronics sell a Sensor LED Light Strip Kit. This consists of a 300 mm flexible self adhesive strip with 12 LEDs in it, a PIR detector the strip plugs into and a 240 to 12 volt power supply.The LEDs are rated at 130 lumen and are 2 Watt per strip. With the light spreadRead… Read more »