Yearly Archives: 2011

Will Civil Servants Survive the Fiscal Freeze? LIVE CHAT, Wednesday 1/26 at 11a ET

Update 1/27: LIVE CHAT Archive found here: Check it out, GovLoopers! We’re teaming up with the Washington Post to host a live chat next Wednesday morning right here on GovLoop. Next Wednesday at 11a — the morning after the President’s State of the Union address — we’ll be using CoverIt Live to support aRead… Read more »

Gov PR: Going Beyond the Standard Press Release with Real-Time Video

From the Granicus Blog As the need for real-time exposure to information grows, government PR and communications professionals should start to re-evaluate their plan of attack for press releases and public announcements. After handling all Granicus PR efforts and working with PIO’s and publicly directors at all levels of government, I’ve come to realize theRead… Read more »

The Web Analyst’s Code of Ethics

Purpose The following Code of Ethics represents an industry effort to treat consumer data with the respect and attention it deserves. It is a commitment to data stewardship and an effort to educate organizations and Internet users globally of digital data collection and utilization practices. Read the Code of Ethics.

Eight Signs Your Organization Needs an Editor

1. Your writers assure you they don’t need an editor. 2. Clients send back documents with errors circled in red. 3. Clients threaten to take business elsewhere due to poor document quality. 4. You’ve ever been featured on websites that exist mostly to make fun of poor spelling and grammar. 5. Your managers spend halfRead… Read more »

Email Marketing Solutions

We are looking for recommendations on what third-party solutions government agencies are using for email marketing purposes. Our needs include having a solution that offers templates, the ability to manage subscribers and track performance. I’m aware of companies such as MailChimp and Mad Mimi, but we are looking for a company that is based inRead… Read more »

Civic Hackers Invade San Francisco

On the way in to Civic Center this morning, I stopped by the new SoMa offices of Code for America, a non-profit startup that deploys top web professionals in one-year fellowships building Web 2.0 applications for cities across the U.S. The fellows, recruited from around the country, are here for January before heading off forRead… Read more »