Yearly Archives: 2011

Indiana moves forward with health insurance exchange plans

Late last week, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels signed an executive order that directs state agencies “to conditionally establish and operate a state-based healthcare benefit exchange.” Indiana is the latest in a string of states that are both suing the federal government over the Affordable Care Act and preparing to comply with it. In a statementRead… Read more »

If You Live in DC, Congratulations On Being the Worst…

for TRAFFIC! The average Washington, D.C., area driver loses 70 hours a year sitting and inching along in traffic. This ties with Chicago for the country’s worst road congestion. Los Angeles is ranked next with 63 hours lost on what I like to call the “interstate parking lot”. If you want to read more onRead… Read more »

Should You Disclose Your Security Clearance?

Within the contracting community, the word on the street is that individuals should mention their clearances on their resumes to be more attractive to potential employers. In the context of the job market, this makes sense: a security clearance automatically makes an employee more valuable. claims that “an established security clearance can increase yourRead… Read more »

Participation, and participating

Recently I’ve been thinking a fair bit about the ‘participation deficit’ – the fact that too few people are contributing too much to society. It’s what informed my post about my view that we need more councillors. No even half baked views or ideas yet, I’m afraid, though I’m mulling over whether to have aRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Off Shore Drilling Creates 2 New Agencies… Will It Work?

The gulf oil spill was apparently enough to cause a government shuffle. It was announced yesterday that 2 new agencies will be made to make sure that energy development is promoted and safety is enforced. According to the Washington Post the 2 new agencies will come out of a split of the Bureau of OceanRead… Read more »

Talent Management: When the Question Is, Should I Stay or Should I Go?

With the freeze of pay in the air, there are sure to be federal employees – particularly soon to be retirees- asking the question (or humming The Clash,) Should I stay or should I go? Managers should not give up hope. Today in their joint “Keeping Talent” report, the Partnership for Public Service and BoozRead… Read more »