Yearly Archives: 2011

ICT for Education in the Asia Pacific Region

Digital Review of Asia Pacific provides a useful overview of what is happening with computers and telecommunications across the region. The latest time series publication is “DIGITAL REVIEW of AsiaPacific 2009–2010”. This includes a section on “Regional issues in ICT in education”:Education for All in the Digital AgeDakar Framework for ActionNew TechnologyEight Factors to ConsiderTrendsRead… Read more »

Emergency and Education Communication Vehicle

The “Emergency and Education Communication Vehicle” (E2CV) of the Thailand National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) provides an interesting mix of uses which might be applied in Australia. The Thailand Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with Cisco Systems equipped a truck with broadband wireless communications and its own power supply. During anRead… Read more »

Coffee with Ken and Colleagues: A Celebration of National Mentoring Month – January 19th

In celebration of National Mentoring Month, this month’s complimentary Coffee with Ken will provide an opportunity for you to learn more about a brand new mentoring product that one of our colleagues has launched, and learn more about how group mentoring is helping build leadership capabilities and skill development in organizations. One of the value-addsRead… Read more »

Job Oppty: Pgm Assoc, Community Training & Stakeholder Engmt

The Illinois Public Health Institute has an opening for the position of Program Associate, Community Training and Stakeholder Engagement. The due date for applications is January 28, 2011. The Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI) is a partnership of public, private and voluntary organizations that seeks to maximize health, wellness and quality of life for theRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Obama Says ‘Rip Down That Red Tape!”

President Obama’s seeing red…tape, that is. And he’s asked every Federal agency to consider cutting it out. Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post reported today in this article: Obama orders all fed agencies to review regulations A few more details are found below: President Obama on Tuesday ordered every federal agency to conduct a systematicRead… Read more »

Our New Year’s Resolution: BeAccessible

This post was recently published by the BuyAccessible team on the Accessibility Forum 2.0 blog. ( ) Our New Year’s resolution is to move from focusing on just BuyAccessible to BeAccessible. Our current tools provided Section 508 guidance for government buyers of Electronic and Information Technology (EIT). But, Section 508 also includes development, maintenance andRead… Read more »

Top Posts in 2010 on the Accessibility Forum 2.0 blog

This year we launched the Accessibility Forum 2.0 blog for conversation about Section 508. Some of our most popular posts (as indicated by unique visits per day) in 2010 were: Common Misconceptions about Section 508 Need Section 508 Testing Tools? Common Misconception: Section 508 Certification Accessible CAPTCHA Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities CelebratingRead… Read more »

New Presidential Memos show a narrow vision for open government

President Obama has done an excellent job moving open government efforts forward, making open government a priority. His initial Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, issued on January 21, 2009, provided guidance and defined open government as being formed by three cornerstones: transparency, participation, and collaboration, giving agencies a clear timetable for delivering their ownRead… Read more »