Yearly Archives: 2011

Hack job

I’ve done quite a few television interviews in my lifetime, but no one would consider me rich. So when my mother received an e-mail from me last weekend telling her to click on a link to watch my NBC interview about how I’d discovered the secret to becoming wealthy, she knew it was a fake.Read… Read more »

Working Together With AICC

by Jonathan Poltrack I’m really happy to announce that, as of today, our Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Technical Team is beginning a joint effort with the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) that will update the CMI Data Model. This effort, along with Project Tin Can, furthers the Future Learning Experience Project. Many of you knowRead… Read more »

Future Innovations Impacting Contract Specialists

Just reading these interviews shows you the Internet is evolving. And as the Internet evolves, so will contract specialists. See, we’re partly paid to be walking-talking-regulation-spouting machines, meaning we understand the Federal Acquisition Regulation and its several-bazillion supplements. And as much as the Internet has impacted contract specialists, more changes are coming. Mobile FARing FARSiteRead… Read more »

Feds want pilot programs to address congestion problems

The federal Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration is looking for a few good pilot programs that could help address the nation’s $60+ billion congestion problem. The application deadline for a $10.5 million grant from the Department of Transportation for Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) programs has been extend by two weeks, an announcementRead… Read more »

The Challenge of Predicting Dangerous Behavior

“There’s an army of mentally ill people among the U.S. population,” notes our expert. “Is law enforcement, social services or even the administrative staff of a community college responsible for tracking and monitoring them? No.” A telling excerpt from the Digital Sandbox blog post discussing the Arizona tragedy — worthy of discussion among gov’t ranks.

Facebook Terms Change for State & Local Governments

Recently read an article that Facebook is becoming more firendly in hopes that more state governments join. A September 2010 NASCIO survey found legals problems in the original Facebook terms of service were one of the important barriest to statel and local governments joining. Here’s what’s Facebook has agreed to do: ·strike the indemnity clauseRead… Read more »

State of the Net Conference. Does Government “Get It?”

The OGTV family is spending its morning at the State of the Net Conference held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. The event is presented by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus. This morning, our Director of New Media, a political and government social media strategist, Stephanie Noble had a quick breakfastRead… Read more »

Electric Vehicles and Safety

Volvo has released a video to show consumers how an EV, though quite different from a gasoline-powered car due to its large battery, is every bit as safe. Despite a terrible head-on collision, the essential elements of the EV remain safe. Take a look at the video below and see for yourself. Share this article!Read… Read more »