Yearly Archives: 2011

Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry

Lee Stewart from The Climate Project (TCP) will sopeak on “Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry” in Sydney, 2 March 2011. The ACS also runs the masters-level online course “Green Technology Strategies” in the ACS Computer Professional Education Program.Australian Computer SocietyClimate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT IndustryThis presentationRead… Read more »

Evaluating Teaching Workshop at ANU

Lauren Kane from the Flexible Learning Unit ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science, will present a free Education Design Workshop on Evaluation, 20 January 2011 in Canberra. ANU College of Engineering & Computer ScienceEvaluationLauren Kane (CECS Flexible Learning Unit ) EDUCATION INNOVATION SERIES Education Design Workshop DATE: 2011-01-20 TIME: 10: Original post

Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry

Lee Stewart from The Climate Project (TCP) will sopeak on “Climate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT Industry” in Sydney, 2 March 2011. The ACS also runs the masters-level online course “Green Technology Strategies” in the ACS Computer Professional Education Program.Australian Computer SocietyClimate Change Update and Its Relevance to the IT IndustryThis presentationRead… Read more »

UKGovcamp: 5 days to go!

The biggest get-together of folk in the UK with an interest in how the public sector uses technology happens on Saturday, just 5 sleeps away. The list here says 204 people are coming, not counting our sponsors and hosts. Gulp. It’s just as well we have a proper grown up in charge of getting usRead… Read more »

Preparing IT systems for flooding and other disasters

Stilgherrian interviewed me on Sunday for his Patch Monday podcast “Flood-proofing your business IT” (17 January 2011).”The floods in Queensland and now further south in Australia are a reminder that natural disasters can strike even in rich, technologically advanced nations. Data backups are essential, but business continuity planning also needs to cover communications links, theRead… Read more »

Changed business model for communications and media

The Australian Communications and Media Authority reports that communications and media service providers areThe communications sector is bundling of voice and content services, increasing data quotas to encourage consumption of content and developing mobile applications. The media sector is developing internet-based distribution channels, pay-per view and subscription services, internet-based ‘ Original post

Where Would Diversity Be In America if YouTube Was Invented During Martin Luther King Jr’s Era.

Forty eight years ago,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr led approximately 250,000 men,women, and children to Washington DC for a March for Freedom and Jobs. In 1963 black unemployment was as high as 11%, while unemployments was only 6% for whites. A white family earned, on average about $6,500.00 a year while a black family earnedRead… Read more »

Inquiry into Queensland floods

The Premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh, announced a Commission of Inquiry unto Queensland’s January floods. This will be headed by Justice Cate Holmes, with former Queensland Police Commissioner Jim O’Sullivan, and Phil Cummins, chairman of the International Commission on Large Dams. It will look at preparation and planning, performance of private insurers, equipment and communications,Read… Read more »

Mission Essential Personnel Names Wesley Taylor As Theater Director – Afghanistan

Mission Essential Personnel, LCC (MEP) today announced it has hired Wesley B. Taylor Jr. as its new theater director in Afghanistan, where he will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the company’s 6,500 professionals attached to supporting coalition efforts in that country. Wesley served 30 years in the military, finishing as a brigadier general inRead… Read more »