Yearly Archives: 2011

Rethinking Business

Paul Ford has a great post The Web Is A Customer Service Medium. His point is that the web can do fabulous customer service and that is what browsers want. It’s a more satisfying way of explaining what is often called information wants to be free. Customer service, or customer care as it was definedRead… Read more »

What I’m doing at Code for America

For the last two weeks – and for much of January – I’m in San Francisco helping out with Code for America. What’s Code for America? Think Teach for America, but rather than deploying people into classrooms to help provide positive experiences for students and teachers while attempting to shift the culture of school districts,Read… Read more »

The Top 10 Policies of 2010

Which state was the first to establish a mandatory offshore wind target? Do you know which state recently enacted a law that requires 30% of the state’s energy mix to be renewable by 2020? Which non-sunbelt state is making a big push into solar? All of these questions, and more, are answered by the teamRead… Read more »

JURIX 2010 Slides Available

Slides are now available for many papers given at JURIX 2010: The 23rd International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, held 16-17 December 2010 at the University of Liverpool Computer Science Department, in Liverpool, England, UK. HT JURIX Blog.

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 8

The new law includes other new implementation actions, as well. For example, OPM must identify key skills and competencies for performance management; new definitions of terms; agency chief human capital officers have to prepare the section of their agency’s annual performance plan describing the skills and competencies needed to meet agencies’ goals described in theRead… Read more »

Citizen 2.0 or Client 2.0: The Street-Level Bureaucrat and Engagement 2.0

I started my government career as a street-level bureaucrat. In the summer of 1990 I was a paralegal intern for the Richmond, Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy. This was a public defenders office that covered four counties and my job was to interview the clients that had been arrested and jailed. I would spend theRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Still Left Standing in the Unemployment Line? Six R’s to Reemployment.

2010 is now in the past. If you’ve been out of work for what seems like eternity, I suggest making a few subtle changes to your job search in 2011. Last year I offered up some tips/ideas/suggestions, etc. in my weekly HR=Humans Represent Blogs. This year, I suggest shaking things up a bit – expandRead… Read more »

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, CivSource will not publish stories today. Please join us in taking time to reflect on the life and times of Dr. King. Coverage will resume Tuesday, January 18. For a link to his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” click here. Original post

Australian Government Cloud Computing Strategic Direction Paper

A draft “Australian Government Cloud Computing Strategic Direction Paper” has been released for comment (deadline 31 January 2011). The document is 52 pages long.Australian Government Cloud Computing Strategic Direction Paper: Opportunities and applicability for use by the Australian GovernmentDraft for consultationTable of Contents CLOUD COMPUTING STRATEGIC DIRECTION PAPER 1 Executive Summary Original post