Yearly Archives: 2011

Bachelor of Emergency Management

For those interested in how emergency workers are trained, Charles Sturt University (CSU) offer an Associate Degree and Bachelor of Emergency Management by distance education over 6 years:… The course is designed to meet the needs and interests of a variety of client groups ranging from public bodies concerned with the protection of life andRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: IDP 2011

A call for papers — with submission deadline of 18 February 2011 — has been issued for IDP 2011: The 7th International Conference on Internet, Law, and Politics, to be held 11-12 July 2011, at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política, in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. Papers are invited on the followingRead… Read more »

Week 2 of CON 090

Week 2 is over. I’m passing the class now. The first test was a doozy, but the second was much easier. Here are a few notes about week 2. Your research skills you learned the first week are rock solid by this point. This makes week 2 much easier. Your social life doesn’t die, butRead… Read more »

Summary of NCDD survey on race dialogue — and next steps

Before the holidays, three was a flurry of dozens of messages on the NCDD Discussion list (our main listserv, with 1150 subscribers) on issues of race and racism within a period of a couple of days. Though our listserv can be a great place to discuss practice-related questions and share announcements, it is not aRead… Read more »

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

The TV show, Cheers, ran for eleven seasons during the 80s and early 90s with a tagline that made everyone feel good…‘where everybody knows your name.’ A group of unlikely friends went through some good times and some bad times while making us laugh…and these characters became part of our lives, because we knew theirRead… Read more »

Doing away with social media officers

Andrea Di Maio reports on the US Defense department doing away with dedicated social media officers: No more specialized offices, no more social media silos, no more experts or consultants building new strategies. Social media is a tool, amongst many others, for public affairs professional to do their job more effectively and efficiently. The nextRead… Read more »

Is open goverment just about the data?

The latest social media phenom is Quora. A kind of question and answer forum. Its neatest trick is that it encourages you to re-produce your social graph from Twitter. Ready made followers and people you probably already ask questions of to follow. Anyhoo…there was a question on Quora I answered recently Does open government requireRead… Read more »

Coaching for Language, Communication, and Accent

Everyone who works in government who works with written materials knows that every sentence is supposed to have a period at the end. All of those people know (or do they?) that sentences in general are supposed to be short and to the point. KISS is an old writing thing that means ‘Keep It ShortRead… Read more »

GovReads: Little Bee

When I pick out books that I want to write about for this column, I try to pick interesting titles. Titles that will provoke, but will be a good read. Above all, if you take my recommendation I want to make sure that you like the book. It was with this in mind that IRead… Read more »