Yearly Archives: 2011


I’ve decided to start a 365 project chronicling small observations and insights that I have in my day to day. It won’t replace my weekly writing (with the exception of today) nor will I be flooding this site (or its feed) with the contents of the 365. I’ll be hosting it on Tumblr: IRead… Read more »

Open Source for America Publishes Federal Open Technology Report Card; Rates Agencies on Open Government and Use of Open Technologies Open Source for America (OSFA), an organization of technology industry leaders, non-government associations, and academic and research institutions promoting the use of open source technologies in the U.S. federal government, today published the results of a study measuring openness in government. The Federal Open Technology Report Card evaluated key indicators of open government andRead… Read more »

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson Ron Manderscheid, PhD Executive Director, NACBHDD Last weekend, a tragedy of national proportions occurred in Tucson Arizona. Twenty-two-year-old Jared Lee Loughner repeatedly fired a pistol into a group at a Saturday political rally organized by Representative Gabrielle Giffords of the 8th Arizona District. Six people were killed outright, including aRead… Read more »