Yearly Archives: 2011

Advice from Adam: The Only 3 Questions You’ll Ever Need to Know

For over a year now, I’ve been meeting almost every week with a guy named Adam Schultz and his team at Change & Course. He’s been offering some great insight on how to improve GovLoop and it just dawned on me this week that you’d probably benefit from the lessons I’m learning, too. With thatRead… Read more »

The The Federal Coach: Leading in Times of Uncertainty: An Interview With the FLRA’s Carol Waller Pope

Carol Waller Pope is the chairmanof the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), which is an independentfederal agency that administers the labor-management relations program for 1.6million federal employees worldwide. Pope is the first FLRA career employee toserve as chairman and has been with the agency since 1980. In this year’s Best Places to Work rankings,the FLRARead… Read more »

Tucson’s Tragedy – The Impact and Implications on Arizona’s Government in the Last Five Days

There’s been plenty of media attention on Arizona the past five days, and for those of you across the country, you may not have heard about how our state government has come together and been torn apart by Saturday, January 8’s unthinkable event in Tucson. THE COMING TOGETHER: I think all of us agree thatRead… Read more »

A Response to a Ottawa Gov 2.0 Skeptic

So many, many months ago a Peter R. posted this comment (segments copied below) under a post I’d written titled: Prediction, The Digital Economy Strategy Will Fail if it Isn’t Drafted Collaboratively on GCPEDIA. At first blush Peter’s response felt aggressive. I flipped him an email to say hi and he responded in a veryRead… Read more »

Special Message from Secretary Gary Locke

TO: All DOC Employees FROM: Secretary Gary Locke SUBJECT: Reminder: Your Participation in the 2010 Combined Federal Campaign is Still Needed! This is the last week for active Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) solicitation. This morning we topped 93 percent of our $3.9 million target. Our goal is in sight. HaveRead… Read more »

Is “Hotsugarmama” an appropriate job search email address?

Believe it or not a job seeker really used this email address. Or “Noviagra.” A job seeker looking for a VP level HR position used this email address. Needless to say neither applicant made it past the initial screening process. Just as you wouldn’t wear a t-shirt and shorts to a job interview because youRead… Read more »

Colo governor wants improved relations with local governments

In a host of executive orders released this week, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper issued a policy to enhance the relationship between state and local government. In Executive Order D 2011-005, the governor acknowledged a need for more flexibility and he directed state agencies to take specific steps to minimize burdens for local governments. “Local governmentsRead… Read more »

Who are the Small Town Open Gov Rockstars we should host on future calls? Tell us below!

For the next few months I’ll be working with Community Matters to host a series of conference calls on Open Government. These calls will specifically focus on implementation of Open Government in cities and towns across the country, and the content of the calls will be driven by the participants. I’m hoping this series isRead… Read more »