Yearly Archives: 2011

Department of Agriculture’s BioPreferred Program

Did you know there are more than 19,000 biobased products commercially available? Created by legislation in 2002, expanded in 2008, and managed by the Department of Agriculture, the BioPreferred program promotes the use of biobased products. As designated by DOA, “biobased products” are commercial or industrial goods (other than food or feed) composed in wholeRead… Read more »

Is @CoryBooker’s Response Strategy Sustainable? No. How He Can Better Serve Newark on #LocalGovChat

Are Cory Booker’s Tweets Helping or Hurting the City of Newark? There has been a lot of hype surrounding Cory Booker and his prolific tweeting during the recent snowstorms that have bombarded the Northeast in recent weeks. And while his personality seems more than genuine, his energy contagious, and his passion unquestioned, he is hurtingRead… Read more »

Remembering the Alliance for Digital Equality Newark, NJ Event

Recently, as my firm engaged in some social and mobile campaigns targeting urban consumers (highly successful due to the large adoption rates for advanced mobile devices), I began to wonder if “access to broadband” was still a needed conversation. Between smart phones, iPads, public wifi (starbucks and others commonly offering it free), and personal mobileRead… Read more »

A Socratic Method Learning Experience

by Peter Berking (ADL) Peter has an M.A. in Education from UC Berkeley and has led Instructional Design efforts for over 15 years. Peter has designed and developed a wide range of training products ranging from technology-driven courseware and human performance design systems to instructor-led courses. He teaches classes in computer graphics at Northern VirginiaRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: Can I Get a Side of Value With That?

This week’s interview comes from Marcheta E. Gillespie, CPPO,CPPB,C.P.M.,CPM. As if all of those certifications weren’t enough, Marcheta is the Deputy Director for the City of Tucson’s Department of Procurement. With over 18 years of experience in public procurement, Marcheta is a passionate advocate for her profession. Her areas of expertise include public procurement management,Read… Read more »

NAGW 2011 National Conference Call for Speakers

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2011 NAGW National Conference September 14-16 in Cincinnati, Ohio. NAGW is seeking presenters to share knowledge and ideas as well as present new technologies and trends, so that attendees return to their offices with fresh ideas and valuable contacts. The deadlineRead… Read more »

e-GOTV. Is it Real? Digital Strategies for e-Political Campaigning

Is e-GOTV a reality? What politicians, municipalities, or government agencies are doing it best? Last year, Ingrid Koehler wrote about Paden Noble’s work for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Councilman, Darrin Sharif, in her piece “Social beats cash: a local campaign case study”. We appreciate that she credits us with the first use of Foursquare,Read… Read more »

Tucson tragedy also a media moment for moderate groups

My friend and colleague Leanne Nurse of the EPA forwarded this interesting article from the Washington Post to me this afternoon… For those who don’t know, Giffords had been an honorary co-chair of Third Way, which supports civil political discourse. Tucson tragedy ‘a real opportunity’ for nonpartisan groups No Labels, Third Way By Krissah ThompsonRead… Read more »

When Cars Go Boom

Photo from A car exploded outside my apartment complex this morning. I don’t live in a war-torn country; I live in one of the preppiest cities in America: Arlington, VA, home of Arlington Rap. Fortunately, no one was hurt and only the car was destroyed. The trunk looks like, well, there is no moreRead… Read more »