Yearly Archives: 2011

Scrum is a World View

Guest post by Jim Kinter I’ve been thinking about how to help a colleague get his arms around a Scrum implementation that seems to be out of control and rife with what my friend Ken Schwaber refers to as “ScrumButs”. During our conversation, I cringed several times when reference was made to their “version” ofRead… Read more »

How Are You Using Google +?

There has been a lot of buzz about Google +’s new branded pages. We’ve heard of a number of Federal agencies who have jumped on the band wagon and created pages. My question is how are you making your decision to move to Google+ and how are you using these pages. Please take a momentRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: OPM Under Scrutiny for USAJOBS at House Hearing

Today the House is examining whether OPM is “properly equipped to handle an increasing number of federal job applications and the timely payment of retirement benefits.” This is the result of several issues surrounding the USAJOBS website; Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) points out that “taxpayers are now paying for a system that doesn’t work, costsRead… Read more »

Tuesday’s political law links

HUNTSMAN: THANKS, DAD. The Times. “Providing perhaps a last-chance boost to the flagging presidential hopes of former Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. of Utah, an outside group that is supported by his father, a billionaire chemical executive, and other wealthy backers plans a major advertising campaign on his behalf in New Hampshire starting on Tuesday.Read… Read more »

Technology Implications of the 2011 Governors’ Elections

Deltek Sr. Manager Chris Dixon reports. 2011 marks the low point of the four-year cycle of gubernatorial elections. None of the races was a hotbed of technology policy debate. However, the three of the four states that held elections this year all have extensive IT pedigrees that are very likely to continue under the extendedRead… Read more »

American Education Week kicks off

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. The National Education Association’s 90th annual American Education Week kicked off yesterday; and to honor this event, Deltek is launching a weeklong blog series highlighting the drivers, priorities and expectations for the public education IT market. We start today with a top 10 list for education request for proposalsRead… Read more »