Yearly Archives: 2011

Making the Most of Open Data through Linked Data

A guest blog by @ricroberts, CTO of Swirrl, creators of The award winning Linked Data Publishing platform. Studies around open data often focus on the “armchair auditor”, and although these people do exist they are just a small contingent of those who could benefit from good open data. When considering the audience for openRead… Read more »

International Open Data Hackathon Updates and Apps

With the International Open Data Hackathon getting closer, I’m getting excited. There’s been a real expansion on the wiki of the number of cities where people are sometimes humbly, sometimes grandly, putting together events. I’m seeing Nairobi, Dublin, Sydney, Warsaw and Madrid as some of the cities with newly added information. Exciting! I’ve been thinkingRead… Read more »

FED-pursuit maximum employment

Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve can get Money from Treasury for Operational Cost? Without going through the appropriation process. Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve has Authorization by Congress to issue Currency? Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve is mandated by the Federal Reserve Act to pursue MaximumRead… Read more »

4 Small Business Set Asides That Should Interest You

Small businesses in the federal government have procurements specifically set-aside for contract award. For a procurement to be set aside the Contracting Officer needs to have an expectation that at least two responsible small businesses will respond with an offer and the prices quoted are reasonable. According to size standards set forth in the SmallRead… Read more »


Please consider attending the monthly luncheon of the DC Chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association on Wednesday Nov 16. More information about the luncheon and DC LERA can be found at For information about the Labor and Employment Relations Association, see Thanks

Making Mobile Gov Wikthon #1 Recap

What do you think would happen when you ask mobile gov innovators to pile into a coffeeshop with their laptops (and tablets) to share their smarts for the good of helping other agencies make gov available to citizens any time and any where? Well, we did just that. In late October, a handful of goviesRead… Read more »

What Would Our Future Leaders Do With $100 Million of the Budget?

Giving back is a big part of GovLoop. Every year we try to give back to government and those people who focus themselves on public service. One of our initiatives to accomplish that is our annual scholarship contest. This year we partnered with NASPAA and are awarding 3 scholarships to graduate students who’s educational focusRead… Read more »

Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Summary of Research Regarding Teens Online—The Future of Social The best research on the online world of teens comes from Pew and the experience, while cautionary as to bullying, is not as bad as others have made it out to be. Fifteen percent report online “meanness.” The report shows parents actively involved in theRead… Read more »