Yearly Archives: 2011

Ideas of the week

One wonderful idea submitted for Developing Solutions Camp is ‘Feeling Local’. The idea is to aggregate news feeds from social media for a given geographical area and analyse the sentiments to determine whether the prevailing mood for that area is happy or sad. How best to use it The originator of the idea is confidentRead… Read more »

Veterans Day 2011

Today is Veterans Day in the U.S. Originally called Armistice Day, it was established to honor veterans of World War I but now honors all American veterans. Because the specific date, November 11, 1918 is considered the end of World War I, the holiday is celebrated on the actual day of the week upon whichRead… Read more »

The People I Will (and Won’t) Meet at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference

See you next week in Santa Clara! Next week, I’m attending and speaking at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara. I’ve attended many social media conferences over the years and have posted several times about my experiences at these events.While the vast majority of people I meet at these conferences are highly intelligent, ambitious,Read… Read more »

Presidential Approval Polls: The Effect of International Events

Presidential approval ratings have important consequences for legislative success and, of course, re-election. We also know presidential approval ratings, when they rise or fall below a certain level, signal future presidential successes or presidential struggles. An approval rising above or falling below 50 percent is an important benchmark. There are many factors influencing fluctuations inRead… Read more »

What My Dog Jenny Wants You To Know On Veterans Day

Meet Jenny, she is a 12 and-a-half year old arthritic Samoyed German Shepard abominable snow dog. She is a sweet old soul and enjoys being pulled around Washington DC in her wagon. Like me, Jenny is into social media, she’s also on twitter. A couple weeks ago, our friend Karima suggested to me that JennyRead… Read more »

Bring It!

Jimmy Valentine, the famous safecracker, would sandpaper his fingertips before commencing to winkle open a safe. Henry Fonda was still throwing up before each stage performance, even when he was seventy-five. Yesterday I committed my first successful Hangout, Google Plus videoconference. Just like AT&T predicted in the fifties, only in color…with a bigger screen! Zack,Read… Read more »