Yearly Archives: 2011

Google and American Express Team Up for Small Business Saturday!

Many of us serve in Local Government roles and see Public / Private Sector collaboration as essential to promoting and building stronger communities. Here is an opportunity you will want to pass on to your local Chamber of Commerce and/or community development coordinator. Google and American Express have teamed up to create a new VideoRead… Read more »

Archived Episode 1 of #Hi5Gov Featuring

Today I interviewed Karen Trebon, Deputy Program Manager and Tammi Marcoullier, Program Manager from on the inaugural episode of #Hi5Gov featuring and the amazing impacts is making for agencies and the public across America. Follow Tammi – @TammiM Follow Karen – @KarenTrebonGovt Follow Joseph – @JosephPorcelli Want to be a guest onRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Finding the FBI a New Home

The Washington Post reports that the J. Edgar Hoover building is in need of repair. Since 9/11, the FBI has grown considerably, and has outgrown the current facilities. The Post reported that prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the FBI had 9,700 headquarter staffers working at seven locations, today the FBI has about 17,300 employeesRead… Read more »

Your Thoughts on the Penn State Scandal and Response?

This issue has been burning up the newswires this week. From a communications and media relations standpoint (and more importantly, from a moral standpoint), the university has been panned. This author shared her takeaways. What are yours? How would you have handled it? We’ve started a discussion on the NAGC LinkedIn group as well. OriginalRead… Read more »

New York insurers overcharge policyholders millions, ordered to refund overages

11 insurers in New York have been ordered to refund overcharges on their insurance premiums. State officials ordered insurers to refund $114.5 million in overpaid premiums to almost 600,000 New Yorkers. According to the order, insurers failed to spend the minimum amount of each premium dollar on providing health care to policy holders. Under NewRead… Read more »

The Three Hats of Mission-Support Leaders

How do you assess the effectiveness and impact of mission support functions — human resources, acquisitions, finance, technology, etc. — on an agency’s mission? That was the question posed to a roundtable of experts at the National Academy of Public Administration yesterday. And the question was raised none too soon – President Obama that morningRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Serving Those Who Served

Today’s guest blogger is Jim Clifford, an executive with the IRS’s Wage and Investment division. He is the executive champion of the IRS Warrior Intern Program and the co-founder of the IRS Military Outreach for Service. As Veterans Day approaches, I begin to reflect more seriously on the question of how to repay a debtRead… Read more »