Yearly Archives: 2011

Bittersweet End: GovTwit directory turns three, but forced to shut down

The short story: is dead and I’m looking for ideas on how to get it back up and running. The slightly longer version: I recently sat on a panel hosted by Market Connections, which was releasing their third annual report around the use of social media in government (you can download the overview here),Read… Read more »

GovExpert: Dick Wall, Former Peace Corps Country Director

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. Dick Wall is a former Peace Corps Country Director for Chad, Zaire (Now the Republic of the Congo) and Mauritania (see full bio below). Some Thoughts on Training Below are some thoughts on what are common roadblocks to training in developing countries;Read… Read more »

The power shift effect of open government

The second CityCamp Colorado started off with Tom Downey and Stephanie O’Malley from the City of Denver setting the stage for the day’s theme: enhancing access to government. Held at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility on October 28, 2011, more than 70 people gathered to participate, learn, and advance the open government movement.Read… Read more »

Controlled Unclassified Information(CUI): The CUI Registry is out!

On November 4, 2011, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the first-ever registry for Controlled Unclassified Information(CUI) for records that are not classified as top secret or secret, but require some protection. The release of this registry meets one of the first targets of President Obama’s Executive Order on Controlled Unclassified Information. AlthoughRead… Read more »

Rock Your Tech Report Launches

When contracting officers get a new proposal, they often ask engineers to write a technical analysis. This tells the contracting officer if the proposal is technically solid. Unfortunately, many engineers aren’t trained to do this. Rock Your Tech Report aims to help fix this by giving engineers a cheat sheet of sorts with tips, bestRead… Read more »

GSA USASearch Wins 2011 Government Big Data Solutions Award

The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The top five nominees and overall winner was announced at Hadoop World in New York City on November 8 2011. The Government Big Data Solutions AwardRead… Read more »

Bill Bratton and Zach Tumin: The New “Collabonomics” of Disaster Management

Last week’s New England snowmeggadon showed us how far social media has come in making collaboration across the boundaries of government and citizens easy. And it offered stark contrast between those who get it and use it, and those who don’t. Social media and the digital devices that connect us change the collabonomics of disasterRead… Read more »

Lessons from the EPA Apps for the Environment Forum: How Can We Build Innovation Through Partnerships?

This afternoon I attended the Apps for the Environment Forum, hosted by the EPA in Rosslyn. The forum honored the winners of the recent Apps for the Environment Challenge, hosted a variety of speakers from the EPA and executive office, and offered breakout sessions on how to use the Internet and open data space betterRead… Read more »