Yearly Archives: 2011

Why is Driving Innovation & Details on the Latest Livestreamed this Thursday, 11/10 at 12:30pm EST

INNOVATION AT ITS BEST: CHALLENGE.GOV: Government has made a ton of progress in innovation over the last few years. And many will find it hard to disagree that some of the most innovative citizen creations have been catalyzed and precipitated with the launch of What is it? is simply a place where theRead… Read more »

Will Government Agencies be ready for the Chromebook?

Originally Posted on Iron Bow Technologies Federal Blog, TechSource. Authored by Prem Iyer, Information Security Practice Director As with many new technologies the Chromebook is creating a surge of excitement among consumers. Users may be excited to get their hands on the new technology – but IT departments are dreading it. With the demand ofRead… Read more »

Video Killed the Network’s Performance

Originally posted to Blue Coat’s federal blog, Blue Print. Authored by Grant Asplund You know your employees are doing it; sitting there, at their desks, watching videos and devouring your network’s bandwidth. Currently Cisco estimates that video accounts for 20-50 percent of traffic on networks, but anticipates that as more and more agencies utilize videoRead… Read more »

Women in Government: Barbara Roberts

There are few women in Government, who have carved out a harder path than Barbara Roberts. Oregon’s first (and to date only) woman Governor, Barbara Roberts is a woman of great integrity and commitment to public service, who has served in state and local government for over 25 years. Barbara Roberts was born Barbara KayRead… Read more »

Staying Ahead of the Latest Trends in Fraud and Abuse

By Bruce Levick Federal agencies make more than $2 trillion in payments to individuals and a variety of entities each year. Some estimate that as much as $125 billion is spent improperly. Since many grant programs are administered by state and local governments, the federal government has shifted its focus on identifying improper payments toRead… Read more »

Recruiting in the Digital Era: Updated Guidance for Employers, Recruiters, and Candidates

This summer I wrote Social Media and Recruiting 101: Overview and Recommendations, which was an extension of some earlier pieces I had written on the topic of “social screening” (see this post, as well as this white paper). In it, I recast the “recruiting funnel” to reflect how social media and other digital activity canRead… Read more »

FCC and FEMA to Test Emergency Alert System Tomorrow

· The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) are planning the first Emergency Alert System (EAS) nationwide test, which will take place at 2:00 PM (EST), Wednesday, November 9, 2011. The test will last approximately three (3) minutes. Normal programming will return following the test. · FCC and FEMA areRead… Read more »

Disruptive Technology of the Week – Republic Wireless

Paradigm Changing Wireless – Exactly what the Doctor prescribed The new Republic Wireless cell phone service has been released. This service offers unlimited cell, data and text, for only $19 a month. They piggy-back off of Sprint’s CDMA 3G services, but rely primarily on Wi-Fi for network connectivity. Republic requires the user to log onRead… Read more »