Yearly Archives: 2012

Announcing Two New Weekly Reports: On Enterprise IT and Mobility

By BobGourley With this post CTOvision is announcing two new weekly reports: CTOvision Weekly Mobility Report and CTOvision Weekly Enterprise IT Report. Both these new products provide tailored insights and content designed to inform in ways that meet your personal information needs. Please give both these products a try and let us know what youRead… Read more »

$100 off the Art of Online Hosting webinar

Here’s a special offer for NCDD members from Adriano Pianesi. I’m considering participating in this online course on the Art of Online Hosting myself! – Sandy I would like to share with you our Webinar Facilitator Certification, “THE ART OF ONLINE HOSTING” online course. If, like me, you are committed to maintaining high standards ofRead… Read more »

History of Cyber Intelligence Discussion

By AlexOlesker Following the Atlantic Council Cyber Statecraft Initiative’s excellent panel on “Lessons From Our Cyber Past,” the panelists and attendees engaged in an insightful discussion on history, technology, intelligence, and cyber. The discussion was moderated by CTOvision editor and Crucial Point LLC CTO Bob Gourley, who also has extensive cyber intelligence experience as theRead… Read more »

Can Film and Dialogue Change the World?

As another presidential election lingers on the horizon, we’re once again reminded of the seemingly irreparable divide that plagues our nation. In fact, public discourse seems to become more polarized every day, as talk show pundits, bloggers and even cable news anchors fling shrill epithets at the “other side.” Of course, our people’s inability toRead… Read more »

Collective Thinking About Public Affairs

In this essay I intentionally subsume the thinking processes of official decision-makers into the thinking processes of the citizenry as a whole. I realize that official decision-makers can and do make decisions independently of the will of the people, unless that public will is united and organized. But elite decisions made independently of the publicRead… Read more »

Ajay Budhraja Keynote at E-Gov Conference

Keynote at the E-Gov Conference. Discussed technology trends. The Federal government has been moving to the Cloud and leadership will focus more on the Business services development since traditional technology IT services will be encapsulated in the Cloud. There will be greater emphasis on the delivery of multiple services as composite services and the metricsRead… Read more »

Cleversafe : Limitless Data Storage

By BobGourley Just found a great video overview on the Cleversafe solution. It is a good explanation in english, about how this technology works so I wanted to share it right away. I don’t mind telling you I think the narrator has a distracting, annoying voice. He reminds me of the narrators of the oldRead… Read more »

Why does Collaboration between Government & Industry still matter?

The ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference will be held in Williamsburg October 28-30 this year. It will bring together eight or nine hundred government and business executives for relatively intense collaboration in 16 working sessions, and provide plenary addresses from a war hero, an Acting Administrator, a renowned theoretical physicist, a prominent television journalist, and theRead… Read more »

Moving Forward Is Bottom Up

Jesse asked, “How do I get my best performers to take on new tasks? They are my best performers because they are fully engaged. By definition, they don’t have extra time for anything new.” Fair enough. We can’t get anything more from them without dropping something. And without adopting new capabilities, the organization dies. RecognizeRead… Read more »