Yearly Archives: 2012

Project Communication Fail

A classic post for me is titled“Silence — One of the Two Great Wastes™”. The article cites a few sources that conclude: “…that project deterioration was a function of not listening and not speaking. We named those behaviors the Two Great Wastes.” I love the term quoted in the post, “organizational silence” to describe whenRead… Read more »

Dating Management: Online Strategic Planning

Welcome to column number two of Dating Management. Let’s pick up where we left off last week and assume you’ve convinced Stressful Sue and Irksome Isaac, your high-performering employees whose lack of a love life has left them irritating you and your office, to join an online dating site. Now what? What do you tellRead… Read more »

HP Stock at 9 Year Low, T-Mobile Merging with MetroPCS

By RyanKamauff The top tech news and stories from October 3, 2012. HP has outlined their 5-year recovery plan, while the stock plummets – HP’s stock dropped 10% today to sit at 9-year low. With the loss of any viable mobile game, and a management team that seems to have no idea where the marketRead… Read more »

Continuing the Dialogue – 2012 Fall Training and Excellence in Partnership Awards

Join The Coalition for Government Procurement on October 24 and 25 for a two day Fall Training Conference—Continuing the Dialogue. The training will focus on understanding acquisition policy and the Federal Market. Hear how sequestration, declining budgets and strategic sourcing may affect what the government buys and how they buy it. Dialogue will be focusedRead… Read more »

The Oracle Federal Forum

By RyanKamauff We just received details on the 6th Annual Oracle Federal Forum, Wednesday, 14 November 2012. It will be held at the Wardman Park Marriott, 2660 Woodley Road NW. Located right above the Woodley Park Metro, and with valet parking, it is an easy destination. At this conference expect to hear from; “Government speakers,Read… Read more »

Affordable Accountability

At the end of July voters in the Atlanta region sent an clear message when 63 percent voted against the city’s tax-to-fund transportation proposal (in Georgia these measures are called SPLOST – Special Purpose Local Sales Option, this transportation specific instance is called T-SPLOST). I was particularly concerned about the vote for a few reasons:Read… Read more »

TechAmerica Foundation’s Big Data Commission Publishes Comprehensive Guide to Best Practices for Big Data for Governments

By BobGourley The TechAmerica Foundation is a non-profit (501c3), non-partisan resource and voice for the US technology industry. They have a tremendous reputation for encouraging industry-wide collaboration and for disseminating concepts, ideas and well researched policy proposals on topics such as US competitiveness in a global economy, innovation in the nation and in government, andRead… Read more »

Race for Reuse

Have you ever seen a civic app and thought to yourself, “I want that app in my city!” I have. Snow covering fire hydrants isn’t an issue in Norfolk, Va. but storm water drains get clogged all the time and that’s a problem. As we debate and consider light rail in Virginia Beach I haveRead… Read more »

Collaboration = Innovation

We’re just wrapping up the last day of the 2012 Code for America Summit. We welcomed more than 250 attendees this year, including: 1 Deputy Mayor 3 Mayors 6 2013 fellows 7 Accelerator companies 8 2012 cities 10 2013 cities 14 CfA staff 17 2011 fellows 18 Brigade captains 26 2012 fellows 40+ governments TheRead… Read more »