Yearly Archives: 2012

A new structured open data portal for gov data

Captricity (, an award-winning Berkeley, CA–based company that offers a completely web-based data entry service for digitizing paper forms, is today announcing the launch of its Open Data Portal ( Data – structured, digital data that can be queried and analyzed – is an incredibly valuable resource. Captricity already helps organizations and corporations access importantRead… Read more »

Naval Surface Warfare Center Develops 3D Mobile Spying Malware, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and More

By AlexOlesker Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Naval Surface Warfare Center has developed a malicious mobile application that makes infected phones take random photos which are stitched together to reconstruct surroundings in 3D. More here. The U.S. Energy Information Administration launched its application programming interface which allows developers to designRead… Read more »

What Does It Mean to Disconnect?

By AdamElkus Are we too connected to our gadgets? Many journalists and social thinkers seem to think so. Are we all too fixated on emailing, tweeting, just plain staring at our screens to participate in the world around us? The answer may be more complex than that, but you won’t find it in posts likeRead… Read more »

The Federal Workforce: What Improvements Can We Make Now?

We are constantly hearing about how the polarization in Congress is making it impossible for anything to get accomplished. Are there any issues that can be not only agreed upon by our officials but also acted upon and implemented? The National Academy of Public Administration and the American Society for Public Administration came together onRead… Read more »

An In-Memory Big Data Use Case: Sabre and Terracotta

By BobGourley The press release below caught my eye since it highlights a use case where real time access to terabytes of data is providing mission critical support to a commercial firm. Similar use cases exist in many other enterprises including the federal government. The solution uses Terracotta’s BigMemory solution. From the press release: TerracottaRead… Read more »

MarkLogic Government Summit 14 Nov 2012

By BobGourley The MarkLogic Government Summit will be held 14 Nov 2012 in Washington DC. I’ve seen an advanced copy of the agenda, and it is looking awesome! It includes some real heroes of enterprise and government IT. Get more info and register here The following is from the event write-up With mission critical bigRead… Read more »

Tools I use for learning

Recently, as part of a survey of members of the Social Learning Centre, I put together a list of ten sites or apps I use a lot in my own learning activity. Actually, I thought ten was rather a lot, so to share it here, I thought I’d whittle it down to half that number.Read… Read more »