Yearly Archives: 2012

Urban Myths regarding GSA’s MAS Program – Part 2

This week’s blog post shines the light on another “Urban Myth” regarding the General Services Administration’s (GSA’s) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program. Contrary to the misperceptions of some in the procurement community, the MAS program includes effective mechanisms and ordering procedures for leveraging and competing customer agency recurring requirements. Indeed, it is surprising that someRead… Read more »

New Zealand Launches a User-Centered Government Website

Sick of going to one government bureaucracy for a service only to get passed along to another and yet another? Wonder why government doesn’t communicate across agencies to provide a centralized service to you? Jared Gulian and his colleagues at the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs are planning a solution for New Zealand. They’veRead… Read more »

Cloudera On Twitter: Track the Cloudera team and gist their tweets with TwitChimp

By BobGourley Cloudera is the company that makes Apache Hadoop ready for enterprise use. They provide the free to use open source distribution called CDH (for Cloudera Distribution including Apache Hadoop). We built a list of Twitter accounts we believe to be associated with Cloudera, including their official account plus accounts of people who seemRead… Read more »

20% Discount Code for Hadoop World NYC 23 Oct 2012

By BobGourley This year Hadoop World has joined forces with Strata Conference to seek new community-wide synergies to accelerate Big Data solutions. This will be the best of Big Data conferences. CTOvision is a media partner for this event which means we can offer all our readers a discount code. Register for the event andRead… Read more »

The Crowd and the Election

There are numerous ways that one can participate in and pay tribute to the electoral process, but what’s really nice is how many of the keyholders seem to be involving the crowd in this current election. For example, the National Journal recently made a call for better questions for the presidential debates. Among the numerousRead… Read more »

Don’t Be “Netflixed:” Why Innovation Labs Are Vital to Government Agencies

Even though innovation never goes out of style, there has been a renewed interest in governmental innovation as all agencies face shrinking budgets and an uncertain economy. The Federal Digital Strategy calls for more innovation in the government’s technical infrastructure and how information is delivered to citizens. There are plenty of consultants, conferences, and groupsRead… Read more »

Digital councillors

digitalcllr is a place where we are bringing together all the work we have been doing recently with elected members. Mostly that means training, but we also offer a service to host websites for councillors, for free. On the digitalcllr site, we’re also putting up content now and again that might be helpful to electedRead… Read more »

Japan, China, and the Tech Supply Chain

By AdamElkus My amigo Alex Olesker has a nice roundup at OODA Loop of why China and Japan are feuding over a pile of rocks in the South China Sea. So why, you might ask, is this relevant for technologists? Well, consider this story from August: Chinese tech hub and boom town Shenzhen is setRead… Read more »