Yearly Archives: 2012

Assumption of Breach and Defense Planning

By AdamElkus Given the explosive (and thinly sourced) nature of Bill Gertz’s allegations (China! Carriers! Nukes!) in his latest Free Beacon post it is important to watch the story as it develops. At first glance, the story doesn’t quite seem to match the hype. A spear-phishing attack against an unclassified network is not exactly uncommon.Read… Read more »

Aphorism 73

The controversy machine is bigger than the reality machine. White House staffer quoted by Michael Lewis Original post

Victorian Government launches consultation on draft ‘digital by design’ ICT strategy

The Victorian Government has announced it is seeking public feedback on a proposed ICT strategy, Digital by design developed by the Victorian Information and Communications Advisory Committee (VICTAC). The draft provides advice on the future management and use of ICT by government and how the Victorian Government can design and use information and technology toRead… Read more »

Participatory Budgeting?

Buffalo Councilmembers Michael LoCurto and David Rivera have introduced a Resolution seeking to explore the possibility of utilizing a process called Participatory Budgeting in the City of Buffalo. Participatory Budgeting allows citizens to decide how a municipalities budget funds are spent. Participatory budgeting involves several steps: 1) Community members identify spending priorities and select budgetRead… Read more »

Monday Pick Me Up

That mistake you made in your last work assignment? Listen to this, and then forget about it. Original post

Smart Money Training

Whenever there is talk about the lack of funding for training, there is talk of trimming the program or buying off-the shelf products. There are some smart solutions. Michelle G. Rosenbloom, a colleague of mine on GovLoop and past guest writer, believes she has one or two smart money training solutions. Let’s see. She presentedRead… Read more »

Go ask your mother!

This is a tricky post to write for various reasons. Please bear with me, I think there’s something important under here but it’s wrapped in a slightly fuzzy layer of emotion by necessity, something which will become evident as we go along. A summary would include the words coaching, mentoring, role models, invisible women andRead… Read more »

Measuring the Efficiency of Government Portals

By David Lengacher About a decade ago, researchers began to study the performance of e-government portals in order to identify best practices. Studies have also focused on identifying the factors that influence the information quality these portals offer to the public. Most of these studies consider only portal outputs, but ignore the resources (or inputs)Read… Read more »