Yearly Archives: 2012

South Eastern Europe is taking Open Government seriously

by John Verrico, Director of Professional Development for the National Association of Government Communicators “The times in which public policies were created away from the public eye remain far behind us,” said Prime Minister Igor Lukšić of Montenegro at the opening of the first South Eastern European Communicators (SEECOM) conference on Friday, September 14. “Nowadays,Read… Read more »

Create Your Own Bridge While the WashDOT Builds Theirs

There’s a reason I bring up the Washington DOT every time I give a presentation about using social media in public works. They were early on the scene to realize how much social media could assist them in public relations, and they’ve done a great job figuring out how best to engage the public. AndRead… Read more »

Look For Singles, Not Home Runs.

Finance managers across government are looking at ways to reduce the cost of Finance and government operations in response to flat or reduced budgets for the foreseeable future. The initial rounds of budget cuts are being achieved though quick, short-term actions, e.g., reduced travel, training, and contracted services. What I see less of are longerRead… Read more »

Increasing Battlefield Bandwidth, Laws and Norms for Cyber Attacks, and More

AEHF satellite concept Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Harold Koh, the State Department’s chief legal adviser, declared that the United States believes that cyber attacks are subject to humanitarian and war laws. More here. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to put electromagnetic and acoustic sensors in icebergs to monitorRead… Read more »

Is Leadership Success A Shot in the Dark?

Want to make your organization successful? Simple, employ strong and consistent leadership. But how do you actually do that? Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. Tom told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that government leadership success still lags behind the public sector. Can YouRead… Read more »

Webinar to Examine Telework Security Practices

on 26 Sep 2012 at 1pm ET InformationWeek will be holding a webinar which will include an examination of several security concerns and mitigation steps regarding federal government telework. The following is from the InformationWeek write-up: Strengthening Security Protocols for Teleworking Employees An InformationWeek Government Webcast The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reports federalRead… Read more »

Application Programming Interface (or API)…What the What?

Take advantage of FREE knowledge and register for Digital Government University’s webinar airing today (Wednesday, the 19th) from 2:30-3:30 on some awesome case studies on how API’s are used to improve government. If this sounds intimidating, don’t fret. You can start from the beginning with Dig Gov U and learn what exactly an API isRead… Read more »


Users work differently from makers, for good reason. If you make a mistake buying a book on Amazon, you can usually go back an action, or a screen, call it a redo. Makes sense to just keep hammering keys until you get what you want. Makers often don’t have redo, so there’s an emphasis onRead… Read more »

Measure Your Office’s Success

I believe I run a very effective office. But it’s not enough to believe it, or even for others to say it, it’s important to be able to measure and demonstrate it with data as well. The best way to demonstrate effectivess is to measure your office’s results and benchmark those results against competitors. ButRead… Read more »