Yearly Archives: 2012

Public notices: the case for radical reform

Local authorities in the UK spend up to £67.85m every year publishing public notices in local newspapers.The individual cost of publishing a notice can reach over £20 per column cm in some publications, upwards of three times the cost for other adverts. This is resulting in a weighty burden on councils. Local authorities are cryingRead… Read more »

Political Convention Innovation: An Interview With Microsoft’s Director Of Campaigns & Elections

Earlier this month the 2012 Presidential Election went into high gear with the Republican and Democratic National Conventions taking place in Tampa, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, respectively. Though not a delegate or party member, Microsoft was a major force at both conventions, providing critical technologies and services that support and enhance the democratic process.Read… Read more »

MBR: Wait: The Art and Science of Delay

I decided I was going to read a book a week every couple of weeks for a year, here’s a quick review of this week’s book. You can see the ongoing list here. Basic Info Wait: The Art and Science of Delay by Frank Partnoy Why I read it The giant 30% off sticker caughtRead… Read more »

Stop Being an Unpaid Part of Facebook Ad Campaigns

Blog originally posted at Social Media Spanish. Recently I have seen more and more discussion about people feeling very uncomfortable with Facebook using their name and image on social ads. I wrote about this last year on the dangers of showing up on Pepto Bismol’s next ad for a chimichanga antidote. People online are becomingRead… Read more »

trust must be earned or else

Good article on trust, honesty and integrity. Check the link below. Leaders must know you cannot lead without building trust and earning the trust of those they work and do business with. Leaders do not have to be head of agency or organization but I would include those who supervise people. Trust comes from honesty,Read… Read more »

Citizen Sidewalk Brigades?

In Los Angeles city officials want to spend $10 million dollars to do a three year survey of sidewalks to determine which need repair. Citizen Peter Griswold wants to save that money by creating Volunteers for Sidewalk Brigades to complete the sidewalk survey. As reported in a Los Angeles Timesarticle Griswold sates “There are soRead… Read more »