Yearly Archives: 2012

Announcing the 15 Nov 2012 FedCyber com Cyber Security Summit

The practitioner-focused Cyber Security Summit will be held 15 Nov 2012 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC. This event is designed for those who play active roles in defending systems. Our focus is always on finding ways to share lessons, exchange ideas and learn best practices. This year we have built inRead… Read more »

White House threatens veto on sequestration bill — 7 Stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Want real time economic data? The Census Bureau has lauched an App for that. It’s called America’s economy and it brings together data from 16 different economic indicators. Click here for the full story. The SEVEN stories that impact your life The House is expected to pass a measure today toRead… Read more »

Matthew Fogg a ‘First Responder’ at Ground Zero in New York City on 9/11

Chief Deputy United States Marshal Matthew Fogg was off duty and just 40 blocks north of the North & South Twin Towers of the New York City’s World Trade Center’s when both towers crumble to earth in a catastrophic fire and smoke-filled event. His eyes watered, knowing many American men, women and children were alreadyRead… Read more »

Alert: NYC Board of Health Approves Soda Ban

A little bit of breaking news here folks – Just a few minutes ago the New York City Health Department just approved the ban on large soda. Here is a recap of the soda ban post we had up earlier in the summer to refresh your memory on the issue (thanks again Megan!) So whatRead… Read more »

Want Real-Time Economic Data? Census Launches An App for That

Did you know that 50% of the Census Bureau is dedicated to economic data? So it makes sense that if you wanted realtime, accurate economic data, data that could help you do your job better, you would go to the Census Bureau. Now they’ve created an app to make getting and understanding that data easier.Read… Read more »

Electronic Surveillance and WiFi Sniffing Without Warrants and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The House of Representatives passed the renewed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allowing electronic surveillance of Americans without a warrant. More here. Panelists at the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies testified that American civilian infrastructure is not prepared for electromagnetic pulses.Read… Read more »

Making The Point

I was trying to get through M Street at New Hampshire and a bicyclist ran through a red light, running over several pedestrians. He was a young yup going home from his policy job, and he started yelling at the pedestrians, the drivers, the air. He was also stopping two roads with nothing but aRead… Read more »